One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.

sleep, dysania, chronic fatigue, bed, suffering, syndromee

The record for the longest period without sleep is 11 days

dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger, professor, chris idzikowski, research, assessment, advi

"Sleeping on your front can aid digestion"

dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger, professor, chris idzikowski, research, assessment, advi

Sleep experts have discovered a direct link between people’s favourite sleeping positions and their personalities

dreams, sleep, men, women, weapon, cloths, sexes, rejection, exclusion, physical activity, aggressiv

Men and Women Dream Differently

sleep, dysania, chronic fatigue, bed, suffering, syndrome

How do you know If your body clock is off?

sleep, dysania, chronic fatigue, bed, suffering, syndrome

Dysania is the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning

dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger, professor, chris idzikowski, research, assessment, advi

41% of the British population sleep in the foetal position

dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger

"12% of people dream entirely in black and white"

mercedes benz, anti lock, brakes, models, collision, technology

The Iconic silver hue of Mercedes-Benz was created by reducing weight for a race.

nikola tesla, innovation, photographic memory, cars, tesla, unique, sherlock holmes

Tesla envisioned his creations in three dimensions.

mercedes benz, anti lock, brakes, models, collision, technology

Mercedes-Benz Certified Pre-Owned vehicles include an unlimited-mileage warranty.

johan schwartz, btw, danish racing, matt mullins, american, detroit speed

Massive Kidney Grilles of BMW Aren't a New Thing.

mercedes benz, anti lock, brakes, models, collision, technology

In 1978, anti-lock brakes were developed particularly for the S-Class.

ferrari, enzo ferrari, fiat, Italian, piero ferrari, fiat chrysler, automobiles, United States secur

Fiat owns a significant portion in Ferrari.

johan schwartz, btw, danish racing, matt mullins, american, detroit speed

Did you know.... BMW's headquarters are styled after their automobile engines.

johan schwartz, btw, danish racing, matt mullins, american, detroit speed

BMW currently owns the Guinness World Record for the longest drift.

netflix, mitch lowe, pornography, bill clinton, monica lewinsky, scandal, customer, chineseetflix, m

Netflix’s Original Name On Paper Was Kibble.

netflix, mitch lowe, pornography, bill clinton, monica lewinsky, scandal, customer, chinese, employe

Netflix’s Executives Used To Make House Calls.

netflix, mitch lowe, pornography, bill clinton, monica lewinsky, scandal, customer, chinese, employe

Netflix’s Employees Can Take As Many Days Off As They Want.

netflix, mitch lowe, pornography, bill clinton, monica lewinsky, scandal, customer, chinese

Netflix Once Mistakenly Rented Out Chinese Pornography.

netflix, socks, netflix socks, pulse, electronic device, google, traffic

Netflix Once Generated More Internet Traffic Than Google.

netflix, mitch lowe, pornography, bill clinton, monica lewinsky, scandal, customer, chineseetflix, m

The First Clip That Was Released On Netflix Was Called Example Show.

netflix, mitch lowe, pornography, bill clinton, monica lewinsky, scandal, customer, chineseetflix, m

The Founder Of The Company Came Up With The Idea For Netflix From A Late Fee.

uranus, collided, north, south, planet, universe, solar system, seasonal

Uranus has an unusual rotation and tilt.

uranus, collided, north, south, planet, universe, solar system, seasonal

Uranus is not the most distant planet, but it is the coldest.

tianna marsh, bmw, new zealand, herald, april fool, tom, bmw newmarket, nissan avenir, vehicle

As an April Fool joke, BMW gave away a new car.

netflix, socks, netflix socks, pulse, electronic device

"Netflix Made Special Socks That Pause Your TV Automatically When You Fall Asleep. "