One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.

ryan gosling and justin timberlake, ryan gosling and justin timberlake mickey mouse club, ryan gosli

Interesting fact! Ryan Gosling's Guardian Was Justin Timberlake's Mother

milky way, milky way galaxy, under the milky way, how many stars are in the milky way, supermassive

Our Milky Way Most Likely Has a Black Hole.

greatsphinx, giza, magnificient, achievement, despite, antiquity, ancientegypt, khafre, dynasty, kin

Nobody knows who built the Sphinx.

missouri, jonhamm, stlouis, school, elliekemper, actress, highschool, drama, unbreakablekimmyschmidt

Interesting fact! Jonathan Hamm Ellie Kemper's Drama Instructor

godparticle, leonlederman, marketing, dickteresi, evil, character, expense

Did you know.... It's not the so-called "God particle." 

demise, star, blackhole. gravity, nuclear, drops, core, space, supernova

Dying stars give way to astronomical black holes.

dennis, quaid, moviestar, dancemos, university, universityofhouston, studied, usweekly

Fun fact! Dennis Quaid Is A Ballet Dancer.

scientists, hypothesize, particles, standard, model, physics, electrons, neutrons, quarks, gravitati

Dark matter might be created by a boson companion.

upsc, cse, aspirants, administrative, services, indian, foregin, services, indiancitizen

Candidates with any educational background are eligible to compete.

blackhole, light, escape, star, galaxy, universe, science

Black holes physically draw space around them.

blackhole, light, escape, star, galaxy, universe, science

Black Holes Are Cool.

upsc, cse, history, geography, economics, politics, publicadministration, science, technilogy, langu

As the syllabus covers a wide range of courses, applicants may sit for multiple tests.

ashton, kutcher, syndactyly, webbed, toes, actor, british

Did you know.... Ashton Kutcher's Toes Are Webbed

blackhole, light, escape, star, galaxy, universe, science

A black hole cannot be seen directly.

cell, primary, two, eukaryotic, prokaryotic, genuine, nucleus, membrane, species, fungi, plants, ani

Did you know there are only two types of cells?

cell, cancer, infected, selfdestruct, apoptosis, growth, regulate, body, mitotic

Fun fact! Suicide is committed by certain cells.

snails, lazy, dream, insect, laziest, humans, sleep, eat

Did you know.... Snails may sleep for years without eating.

femur, bone, upperleg, thigh, longest bone, human, skeleton, body

Did you know.... The thigh bone can withstand thousands of pounds of stress.

ernestwever, charlesbray, princeton, university, cat, animal, electricity, bizarre, cochlear, implan

A live cat was once transformed into a telephone by researchers.

human, brain, five, senses, taste, touch, sight, smell, hearing, organ, mind, soul

The Human Brain has the ability to manage emotions, memories, thinking, respiration, and other functions.

hiccups, spasms, diaphragm, compel, voicebox, ancestors, gills, choking

Hiccups protect the lungs from the absence of gills.

ellaslack, rehersal, major, royal, hermajesty, three, decades, throne

Queen Elizabeth II has a stand-in to keep the sun out of her eyes.

fritzlang, frauimmond, history, nasa, mechanical

NASA employs countdowns as a result of a science fiction film.

osamutezuka, astroboy, waltdisney, animation, manga, bambi, aesthetic

Did you know.... Why are manga characters' eyes so big?

anime, cartoon, manga, animation, movie

For the last time...Anime is Not Cartoon!

southkorea, drinking, alcohol, asia, soju, germany, koreans, unitedstates, Ireland, Canada. australi

South Koreans are Asia's largest drinkers.

jaywalking, trafficrules, southkorea, pedestrian, south, korea, traffic, accidents, housewarming, to

Did you Know in South Korea.... Toilet Paper Warms the House