One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.

lamborghini, lamborghini facts, facts about lamborghini

Interesting fact! Lamborghinis Can Be Used For a Variety of Purposes

lamborghini, lamborghini facts, facts about lamborghini

At a ski resort, Lamborghini wants you to drive like a crazy.

shinto, ancestors, tragicdeath, ancientgod, books, nature, weather, topography, shintoism, gods, Jap

Shintoism has no sacred texts.

shinto, ancestors, tragicdeath, ancientgod, books, nature, weather, topography, shintoism, gods, Jap

Shintoism has no one founder.

shinto, ancestors, tragicdeath, ancientgod, books, nature, weather, topography, shintoism, gods, Jap

Shinto is a polytheistic religion.

pat, patwelsh, california, et, voice, ciggaretts, raspy, raccons, seaotters, horses

The name of E.T. is revealed in the unfinished sequel.

pat, patwelsh, california, et, voice, ciggaretts, raspy, raccons, seaotters, horses

E.T. Was Brought to Life by Cigarettes

ferruccio, taurus, lamborghini, April, constellation, cichlid, bulls

Lamborghinis were originally tractors, and they are still manufactured today.

ferruccio, taurus, lamborghini, April, constellation, cichlid, bulls

Did you know.... It was nearly a Lamborghini Taurus.

panther, huge, animal, jaguar, leopard, tigers, lions, melanism, cat, antelope, deer, warthog, tapir

The Panther's Black Skin Is Inherited

panther, huge, animal, jaguar, leopard, tigers, lions, melanism, cat, antelope, deer, warthog, tapir

The Panther Is a Stealthy Predator

panther, huge, animal, jaguar, leopard, tigers, lions, melanism, cat

A Panther is a Jaguar or a Leopard.

viking, oldnorse, oldenglishroots, scandinavia, pirates, raids, vikingwoman, sheildmaidens, femalewo

Viking diet was quite varied.

viking, oldnorse, oldenglishroots, scandinavia, pirates, raids, vikingwoman, sheildmaidens, femalewo

Until the arrival of Christianity, writing was uncommon among the Vikings.

thestarks, housestark, wolves, sansa, sophieturner, northerninuit, zuni, arya, nymeria, joffrey, gam

Two of the most well-known scenes of Game of Throneswere based on true historical events.

viking, oldnorse, oldenglishroots, scandinavia, pirates, raids, vikingwoman, sheildmaidens, femalewo

The Carolingian Empire's growth in the ninth century may have paved the way for the Vikings.

viking, oldnorse, oldenglishroots, scandinavia, pirates, raids, vikingwoman, sheildmaidens, femalewo

Viking women enjoyed equal rights.

viking, oldnorse, oldenglishroots, scandinavia, pirates, raids, vikingwoman, sheildmaidens, femalewo

Viking women held a unique position in society.

thestarks, housestark, wolves, sansa, sophieturner, northerninuit, zuni, arya, nymeria, joffrey

Sophie Turner's Direwolf Adopted Her

viking, oldnorse, oldenglishroots, scandinavia, pirates, raids

Nobody knows what Viking truly means.

harrypotter, azkaban, doloresumbridge, orderofthephoenix, pottermore, hanniballecter, wizard, witche

Nagini Is A Real Person in Harry Potter

harrypotter, azkaban, doloresumbridge, orderofthephoenix, pottermore, hanniballecter, wizard, witche

Minerva McGonagal was an Animagus and a strong sorceress.

polandwollin, jomsborg, balticcoast, poland, germany, mythology, kingmagnus, kingharald

Jomsborg was a mythical Viking fortification.

harrypotter, azkaban, doloresumbridge, orderofthephoenix, pottermore, hanniballecter, wizard, witche

It was also a mistake for Harry to end up with Ginny.

raveofthrones, nairn, hodor, kristiannairn, gameofthrones, sixthseason

Hodor Can Be Said in 70 Different Ways

harrypotter, azkaban, doloresumbridge, orderofthephoenix, pottermore, hanniballecter, wizard, witche

Hermione Has Become The Minister Of Magic

harrypotter, azkaban, doloresumbridge, orderofthephoenix, pottermore, hanniballecter, wizard, witche

Dolores Umbridge Finally Went To Azkaban