One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.

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What is the Fact about After Life?

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What is the fact about the Yugas we Living in?

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The Number of Holy Scriptures Of Hindu Mythology?

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Did you Know? Japan is mostly mountains

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Did you Know? The Japanese love wacky flavours

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Albert Einstein's theories are more important than you may realise.

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Einstein enjoyed boating (and was absolutely terrible at it).

einstein, einstein brain, einstein death, Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein bio, Albert Einstein biog

Did you Know? Albert Einstein had a propensity of bingeing on food.

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Did you Know? Albert Einstein was a scientist and inventor.

Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Punjab, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, tamil nadu

Largest number of tribal groups are found in madhya pradesh

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Did you Know? Nagpur was madhya pradesh's first capital city

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Fun Fact! Albert Einstein did not suffer academically.

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Did you Know? The forests of Madhya pradesh were inspiration behind Jungle book

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Everyone has their own seal

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The First to Measure the Earth's Circumference

sushruta, samhita, sushrutasamhita, sixth, chapters, therapeutic, mineral, embryology, venesection,

The Ancient Hindus Knew How Long A Year Was.

sushruta, samhita, sushrutasamhita, sixth, chapters, therapeutic, mineral, embryology, venesection,

The Science Behind the Rather 'Feared' Eclipses, According to Vedas

sushruta, samhita, sushrutasamhita, sixth, chapters, therapeutic, mineral, embryology, venesection,

Hindus were already aware of the speed of light.

sushruta, samhita, sushrutasamhita, sixth, chapters, therapeutic, mineral, embryology, venesection,

The Hindus Were the First to Recognize the Solar System's Existence.

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Sushruta Samhita, the World's Oldest Medical and Surgical Encyclopedia

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Sylvia Plath lived in an apartment that had been previously occupied by W.B. Yeats.

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Plath received electroshock therapy for her clinical depression.

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Sylvia Plath originally published 'The Bell Jar' under the pen name "Victoria Lucas."

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The Bell Jar' was originally rejected by publishers.

sylvia, sylviaplath, plath, depression, literature, poet, poetry, english, visual, visualartist, art

Sylvia Plath chose June 16th for her wedding date in honor of James Joyce's Novel 'Ulysses'

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Sylvia Plath won a Fulbright Scholarship.

sylvia, sylviaplath, plath, depression, literature, poet, poetry, english, visual, visualartist, art

Sylvia Plath's father died when she was eight, and this experience inspired much of her work.