One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.

bangkok, bhat, coins, tourist, wat phra kaew, wat saket, wat benjamabophit, wat arun

All the temples on the Thai Baht coins are located in Bangkok

bangkok, bhat, coins, tourist, wat phra kaew, wat saket, wat benjamabophit, wat arun, redbull, thai

Bangkok still has some strange old laws

bangkok, bhat, coins, tourist, wat phra kaew, wat saket, wat benjamabophit, wat arun, redbull, thai

Bangkok is the Massage paradise of the World

angkok, bhat, coins, tourist, wat phra kaew, wat saket, wat benjamabophit, wat arun, redbull

"Bangkok is Home to Red Bull "

bangkok, bhat, coins, tourist, wat phra kaew, wat saket, wat benjamabophit, wat arun

Bangkok is considered the world's hottest city (by mean average)

bangkok, bhat, coins, tourist, wat phra kaew, wat saket, wat benjamabophit, wat arun

Bangkok is called the 'Venice of the East'

bangkok, bhat, coins, tourist, wat phra kaew, wat saket, wat benjamabophit, wat arun

Bangkok has the longest city name in the World

bangkok, bhat, coins, tourist, wat phra kaew, wat saket, wat benjamabophit, wat arun

"Bangkok has the largest Chinatown with the largest solid gold Buddha statue "

denmark strait, cataract, world, highest. underwater, waterfall, Atlantic Ocean

The world's largest waterfall is located in the ocean.

pacific ocean, indonesia, colombia, ocean, moon

The pressure at the ocean's bottom would crush you like an ant.

pacific ocean, indonesia, colombia, ocean, moon

The Pacific Ocean is more than twice the size of the moon.

moon, human , history, mariana trench, harsh conditions, director james cameron, national geographic

The Mariana Trench has been visited by more people than the moon.

iceberg, gallons, fresh water, five years, fujairah, ocean

One iceberg could provide enough water for a million people for five years.

orbitomedial prefrontal cortex, person, social circle, Oxford, research, network, personalities, moo

Your social circle is proportional to the size of your brain.

light, dark, human, eyes, sight, dark grey, room, intrinsic grey, grey, eigengrau

There is a term for the hue you perceive in complete darkness.

cher, greek, chero, joy, cherophobia, crippling, happiness, fear

The unreasonable dread of happiness is known as cherophobia.

netherlands, secure, criminals, crime, reduction, jail, prison, norway, nation, import

The Netherlands is so secure that it imports criminals to fill its prisons.

japan, babies, baby, sumo wrestler, mae shinge, parents

Sumo wrestlers make babies cry for good luck.

stuart sutcliffe, scottish, painter, bassist, founding member, beatles, hamburg, germany, astrid kir

Stuart Sutcliffe was the name of the fifth Beatle.

lyndon b johnson, joker, texas, ranch, amphicar, breaks, lake, water

Lyndon B. Johnson drove a water-surfing automobile.

London, cemetery, tomb, machine , teleportation, hannah courtoy, brompton, stephen coates

A London tomb is supposedly a time machine or teleportation chamber.

mousetrap, colin pullinger, perpetual mousetrap, lifetime, england museum, trap,  mechanism

A 155-year-old mousetrap successfully caught a mouse in 2016.

dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger, professor, chris idzikowski, research, assessment, advi

Within 5 minutes of waking up, 50% of your dream is forgotten

sleep, cat, animals, cat owners, seat, sofa, bed, computer keyboard

Two thirds of a cat’s life is spent asleep

sleep, dysania, chronic fatigue, bed, suffering, syndromee, anxiety, caffeine, bedtime, hypnic jerk

The sensation of falling when half asleep and jerking yourself awake is called ‘hypnic jerks’

sleep, dysania, chronic fatigue, bed, suffering, syndromee

The record for the longest period without sleep is 11 days

dreams, black, white, sleep, older, younger, professor, chris idzikowski, research, assessment, advi

"Sleeping on your front can aid digestion"