One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.

jordan, jawa, dam, jawadam, blackdesert,world, oldestdam

The world's oldest DAM is situated in Jordon.

historians, mediterranean, royalmuseums, egyptian, akhenaten, greenwich, ancient, greece

There was a "Golden Age of Piracy," but piracy dates back to ancient times.

fictional, pirates, national, nationalgeographic, appendages

Pirates wore earrings to ward off seasickness.

fictional, pirates, national, nationalgeographic, appendages

Pirates had a sophisticated mail system and a retirement plan.

pirates, eyepatch, fixtional, pirates, national, nationalgeographic, appendages

Pirates did wear patches, but not because they were all missing an eye.

goa, independence, portuguese, britishrule, india, governer, indianarmy, smallest, legal, twowheeler

It's home to India's only legitimate two-wheeler taxis

goa, independence, portuguese, britishrule, india, governer, indianarmy

Goa celebrates two independence days

fictional, pirates, national, nationalgeographic, appendages

And some pirates did have hooks and wooden pegs.

taj mahal, taj mahal world war, taj mahal facts, taj mahal rare, taj mahal facts, facts about taj ma

Did you Know? Taj Mahal Changes Colour Three Times A Day

palm trees, facts about palm trees, palm trees facts

Palm trees have been associated with humans since the dawn of time.

palm trees, facts about palm trees, palm trees facts

Have you ever heard of Palm wine?

palm trees, facts about palm trees, palm trees facts

Not All Palm Trees Are 'Trees,' and Not All Plants Called Palms Are Truly Palms

palm trees, facts about palm trees, palm trees facts

Did you Know? Palm Trees Are Important Religious Symbol

machu, picchu, machupicchu, pachacuti, inca, yupanqui, empire, roman, llama, petra, treasury, worldf

Some Believe That Aliens Built Machu Picchu

machu, picchu, machupicchu, pachacuti, inca, yupanqui, empire, roman, llama, petra, treasury, worldf

Petra was built in the honor of the sun

machu, picchu, machupicchu, pachacuti, inca, yupanqui, empire, roman, llama, petra, treasury, worldf

petra was destroyed during an ancient massive earthquake

machu, picchu, machupicchu, pachacuti, inca, yupanqui, empire, roman, llama, petra, treasury, worldf

Petra is near a famous biblical site

machu, picchu, machupicchu, pachacuti, inca, yupanqui, empire, roman, llama, petra, treasury, worldf

the famous petra tresury is actually a graveyard

plane, fact about planes, facts about airplane, facts about aircraft

Did you Know? In-flight oxygen masks aren't intended to last the whole flight.

plane, fact about planes, facts about airplane, facts about aircraft

Airplane air is significantly drier than any you might experience on earth.

plane, fact about planes, facts about airplane, facts about aircraft

An engineer designed a plane with a detachable cabin to save passengers.

plane, fact about planes, facts about airplane, facts about aircraft

Did you Know? Some planes can fly 5 hours after their engine goes off

plane, fact about planes, facts about airplane, facts about aircraft

If someone dies on your flight, their body might stay in the cabin with you.

kashmir, kashmir facts, facts about kashmir

No, Jahangir, the Mughal emperor, did not find Kashmir. Emperor Ashoka established Srinagar.

sita, syamvar, womenism, ancient india, facts of india, feminism

Interesting fact! Even during Ancient times, women had significantly greater authority.

flamingoes facts, facts about flamingoes,

Fun Fact! Flamingoes bend their legs at ankles not knees.

wastage, food wastage, wastage of food, food waste

Did you Know? The world wastes about 1 billion metric tons of food each year.