One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

When a piece of glass breaks, the cracks move at 3000mph.

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperaturea

"The addition of minerals to glass alters its color."

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

Kowloon translates to "Nine Dragons."

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

"Albert is very amused by my obtaining the island of Hong Kong."

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

The highest bar and swimming pool in the world

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

The city has a well-developed mechanism for dealing with typhoons.


Wales is an internet pioneer's birthplace


Glass is a liquid, not a solid.

Leonardo da Vinci'

Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper

Frida Kahlo's

Frida Kahlo's The Two Fridas

M. Night Shyamalan

M. Night Shyamalan comes from a family of doctors.

The Evil Dead

The gory noises heard in The Evil Dead were made with walnuts and dead chickens.

Vision Boards

Vision Boards Improve Intention

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

"Volcanic Lava Has the Potential to Convert to Glass "

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

"The ""Portland Vase"" is one of the most valuable pieces of glass art in the world. "

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

"In the 17th century, glass windows were invented."

Glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

"Lightening Can Create Glass "

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

"Sand is used to make glass. "

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

Hong Kong was leased to the United Kingdom for 99 years.

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

Originally, Hong Kong was only Hong Kong Island.

hong kong, Special Administrative Region, Republic of China, China, one nation, two systems

Most Hong Kong apartment structures lack the fourth story!

wales, united kingdom, merlin, welsh, flag, origin

The world's tiniest cathedral city

fibre optics.

A Hong Kong professor devised fibre optics.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is home to 96 billionaires.

Hong Kongers

Hong Kongers have a strong history of entrepreneurship.

natural resources

Wales is abundant in natural resources.