One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.


Keeping a Diary Is Helpful

Kimch Space

Kimchi Traveled to Space


Kimchi was once made without the chillies

Korean family

Every Korean family and region has their own version of kimchi.


Kimchi Comes in Over 180 Different Varieties

Crystal, mineral structure, geometry, tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, triclinic, monoclinic, healer

Do you know about Social Phobia

crystal, mineral structure, geometry, tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, triclinic, monoclinic, healer

Rutilated Quartz and Lemurian Seed Crystals contain information.

crystal, mineral structure, geometry, tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, triclinic, monoclinic, healer

It is just as vital to clean crystals as it is to wear them.

crystal, mineral structure, geometry, tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, triclinic, monoclinic, healer

Color is essential.

crystal, mineral structure, geometry, tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, triclinic, monoclinic, healer

Quartz Crystal activation requires programming.

crystal, mineral structure, geometry, tetragonal, hexagonal, trigonal, triclinic, monoclinic, healer

Function and energy compatibility are determined by its mineral structure.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Gender prejudice abounds in financial advice.

women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

76% of workplaces do not provide any type of help for menopausal symptoms.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

More than a quarter of women seeking medical attention for menopausal symptoms had to see their doctor three or more times before receiving therapy or support.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Women are less likely to hold positions of power in business.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

On average, women do more labour, but they are allotted 55% of all work.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

If you are a woman, you are most likely underpaid.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Men often report greater financial confidence, particularly when making investment decisions.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Financial advice is not provided by media made by and for women.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

According to poll after survey, parents are more inclined to educate their sons essential breadwinning skills such as credit building and investing their money.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Women spend more than twice as much time as men on unpaid labor around the world.

type 2 diabetes,  insulin, resistance, American Diabetes Association, strenuous exercise, weight red

A checklist can help you manage insulin resistance by ensuring that you are always tackling the primary risk factors.

type 2 diabetes,  insulin, resistance, American Diabetes Association, strenuous exercise, weight red

Because there is no easily accessible insulin resistance test in primary care, we must identify insulin resistance risk factors.

type 2 diabetes,  insulin, resistance, American Diabetes Association, strenuous exercise, weight red

Another factor raising cardiovascular risk is coagulation abnormalities in insulin resistance.

type 2 diabetes,  insulin, resistance, American Diabetes Association, strenuous exercise, weight red

Insulin resistance may influence the therapy of hypertension in type 2 diabetics.

fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Jellyfish have been around for over 650 million years, outliving dinosaurs and sharks!

fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

The gorgeous sea turtles may be found in nearly every ocean basin on the planet.