One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.

Walt Disney

In a school play, Walt Disney portrayed Peter Pan.

 vision board

Making a vision board might help you become more determined.

Vision Boards

Vision Boards Increase Productivity

Vision Boards

Vision Boards Clarify Your Goals


Pompeii is located at Mount Vesuvius's foot.

eczema, inflammatory skin, atopic dermatitis, skin

Scratching aggravates eczema

eczema, inflammatory skin, atopic dermatitis, skin

Any Age Can Be Affected by Eczema

eczema, inflammatory skin, atopic dermatitis, skin

Eczema Is Not Usually Atopic Dermatitis

skin, exfoliate, dull skin, cells, rough skin

Using Your Skin Too Much Causes Breakouts

skin, exfoliate, dull skin, cells, rough skin

The Effects of Secondhand Smoke on Your Skin

skin, exfoliate, dull skin, cells, rough skin

Eyes Display the Early Symptoms of Aging

skin, exfoliate, dull skin, cells, rough skin

"Sunglasses provide protection from crow's feet.

skin, exfoliate, dull skin, cells, rough skin

Smooth Skin Is Left After Exfoliation

insomnia, Chromosome, genome-wide examination, electrical sleep, brain, sleep, sleeplessness

Yoga can aid in the treatment of insomnia.

insomnia, Chromosome, genome-wide examination, electrical sleep, brain, sleep, sleeplessness

Insomnia raises the risk of car accidents.

insomnia, Chromosome, genome-wide examination, electrical sleep, brain, sleep, sleeplessness

Insomnia can be deadly.

insomnia, Chromosome, genome-wide examination, electrical sleep, brain, sleep, sleeplessness

Insomnia can be inherited.

sound waves

What is the path of sound waves?


When luciferase was first discovered, fireflies were the only source of the chemical.


Centipedes do not all live outside.


The centipede's incorrect name

atopic dermatitis

One of the most prevalent causes of eczema, atopic dermatitis

 lack of sleep

Your skin can suffer from a lack of sleep.


Daily Use of Sunscreen Prevents Aging


Migraines can be triggered by insomnia.


Women are more likely to suffer from sleeplessness.


Short-term use of ashwagandha is safe.