One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.

Crochet, Google Analytics, knitting, numbers, searches

Crochet is affordable.

Sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

Sunflower is an American Native

sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

Sunflower is an Edible Flower.

Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

The Brontes all passed away tragically young.

Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

Charlotte and Emily spent some time in Brussels studying.

earthen pots, earthenware, health professionals, slow cooking, earthy flavor

Terra cotta pots Porous in appearance

earthen pots, earthenware, health professionals, slow cooking, earthy flavor

Alkaline by nature, an earthenware pot enhances health.

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

These parasites affect the whole Great Lakes coastline, wreaking havoc on both permanent and seasonal companies, as well as property values and tourism growth.

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

Sea lampreys have an impact on both the ecology and the economy.

Crochet, Google Analytics, knitting, numbers, searches

Love of crochet will inevitably result in an uncontrollable compulsion to buying yarn.

Crochet, Google Analytics, knitting, numbers, searches

There is a language specific to crocheting.

sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

Sunflowers are used medicinally.

sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

You can use sunflowers as scrubbing pads.

Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

It was believed that the three "Bells" belonged to the same person.

Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

The Bronte sisters released a book of poetry that was not successful.

earthen pots, earthenware, health professionals, slow cooking, earthy flavor

Earthern pots Oil savings and eventual health improvements.

earthen pots, earthenware, health professionals, slow cooking, earthy flavor

Earthern pots maintain the food's original flavour and nutritional value.

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

Sea lampreys are an excellent example of an invasive species.

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

The marine lamprey is thought to have originated in the Atlantic rather than the Great Lakes.

Crochet, Google Analytics, knitting, numbers, searches

There are numerous well-known crochet artists.

crochet, Google Analytics, knitting, numbers, searches

The popularity of crochet is rising!

sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

Tiny flowers make up sunflowers.

sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

The tallest flower is a sunflower

Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

The Bronte sisters struggled with their alcoholic and drug-dependent brother.

Bronte, sisters, Bronte sisters, Charlotte, Emily, Pensionnat Héger, Brussels, Belgium, liter

Charlotte and Emily spent some time in Brussels studying.

 earthen pots

The price of earthen pots is reasonable, and they are available everywhere.

Sea Lamprey

The Sea Lamprey eats burbot, catfish, ciscoes, perch, sturgeon, trout, and whitefish.