One of the most rewarding aspects of mastering a new skill is sharing that knowledge with others. While some facts are strange and beautiful, while others are completely worthless. There is a whole category of trivia that is so fantastic that you can't help but ask everyone you encounter, 'Did you know this?!' These are the facts that will amaze you and your friends, ranging from why grapes catch fire in the microwave to how long it takes the typical animal to urinate.

fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

The size of a fairyfly


What Country Is the Origin of Butterscotch?


What Is the Flavor of Butterscotch?


What Is the Distinction Between Caramel and Butterscotch?


What Are the Effects of Catnip on Cats?


Pune is situated in an earthquake-prone region


Pune's name derives from "Punya"


The facial pits of rattlesnakes may detect heat.


Rare Are the Deadly Rattlesnake Bites

fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

What Is the State of Their Conservation?

fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

How Do They Make More?

fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

Who Residing With Fairyflies?

fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

A Fairyfly: Where Does It Live?

fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

The number of fairyflies in the world is how many?

Fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

The Kind Of Animal That A Fairyfly Is.

algae, marine, fish, animals, water

The base of the marine food chain is algae.

kiwi, sore throat, runny nose, itchy eyes, allergic, fruit

Side effects of kiwi

blueberries, memory, thinking, good for health

A fantastic study snack is blueberries.

Elizabeth White, botanist, Frederick Coville, New Jersey, USA

It wasn't until 1916 that blueberries were cultivated (highbush).


The heaviest pumpkin ever weighted 2,702 lbs for Halloween.


Paper was previously made from copper.

 Egyptian documents

According to Egyptian documents, copper possesses antimicrobial qualities.


Silk is a very adaptable fabric.


The origin of all plants is algae.


Kiwi can promote sleep.


You can get the best skin ever with kiwis.


Kiwi can support strong bones.