Did you Know? His name was not really “Leonardo da Vinci”
At the time of his birth, Leonardo's full name was Lionardo di ser Piero da Vinci, which translates as "Leonardo, (son) of ser Piero from Vinci." To his contemporaries, he was simply known as Leonardo or "Il Florentine" — since he resided close to Florence.
Fun Fact! When you multiply ones, you will always get palindromic numbers.
A palindromic number is just a number that is the same reverse as it is forwards, for example, 23432.
So, if we multiply 1 by 1, we get 1. Okay, that was a lazy palindrome; let's move on.
11x11 = 121, 111x111 = 12321, 1111x1111 = 1234321, and so on.
Multiplying 111111111 by 111111111 yields 12345678987654321.
Furthermore, the two integers you are multiplying do not have to have the same amount of ones. For instance, 11x1111 = 12221 and
So, if we multiply 1 by 1, we get 1. Okay, that was a lazy palindrome; let's move on.
11x11 = 121, 111x111 = 12321, 1111x1111 = 1234321, and so on.
Furthermore, the two integers you are multiplying do not have to have the same amount of ones. For instance, 11x1111 = 12221 and