Khanapara Teer | FR (04:10PM) | SR (04:45PM) | 75 | 91 | |
Shillong Teer | FR (03:59PM) | SR (04:50PM) | 78 | 72 | |
Juwai Teer | FR (02:00PM) | SR (02:45PM) | 58 | 47 | |
Night Teer Result | FR (07:15PM) | SR (08:00PM) | 42 | 19 | |
About Shillong Teer and its History
Shillong Teer is a legal lottery, betting, and gambling game managed by the Khasi Hills archery sports organization. Khasi hills archery association consists of 12 archery clubs and this game is governed by rules determined under the Meghalaya Amusement and Betting Tax Act. This sport is extensively played in Meghalaya. It plays a very crucial part in the livelihood of people in Shillong and khana para. Shillong Teer is a game played from Monday to Saturday and not on Sunday.
Shillong Teer: Last 7 days results
Khanapara Teer | FR (04:10PM) | SR (04:45PM) | 75 | 91 | |
Shillong Teer | FR (03:59PM) | SR (04:50PM) | 78 | 72 | |
Juwai Teer | FR (02:00PM) | SR (02:45PM) | 58 | 47 | |
Night Teer Result | FR (07:15PM) | SR (08:00PM) | 42 | 19 | |
Khanapara Teer | FR (04:10PM) | SR (04:45PM) | 12 | 78 | |
Shillong Teer | FR (03:59PM) | SR (04:50PM) | 74 | 29 | |
Juwai Teer | FR (02:00PM) | SR (02:45PM) | 63 | 71 | |
Night Teer Result | FR (07:15PM) | SR (08:00PM) | 92 | 27 | |
Khanapara Teer | FR (04:10PM) | SR (04:45PM) | 86 | 94 | |
Shillong Teer | FR (03:59PM) | SR (04:50PM) | 52 | 61 | |
Juwai Teer | FR (02:00PM) | SR (02:45PM) | 21 | 54 | |
Night Teer Result | FR (07:15PM) | SR (08:00PM) | 76 | 32 | |
Khanapara Teer | FR (04:10PM) | SR (04:45PM) | 16 | 31 | |
Shillong Teer | FR (03:59PM) | SR (04:50PM) | 70 | 98 | |
Juwai Teer | FR (02:00PM) | SR (02:45PM) | 96 | 13 | |
Night Teer Result | FR (07:15PM) | SR (08:00PM) | 25 | 42 | |
Khanapara Teer | FR (04:10PM) | SR (04:45PM) | 92 | 92 | |
Shillong Teer | FR (03:59PM) | SR (04:50PM) | 92 | 66 | |
Juwai Teer | FR (02:00PM) | SR (02:45PM) | 94 | 50 | |
Night Teer Result | FR (07:15PM) | SR (08:00PM) | 17 | 14 | |
Khanapara Teer | FR (04:10PM) | SR (04:45PM) | 58 | 21 | |
Shillong Teer | FR (03:59PM) | SR (04:50PM) | 91 | 78 | |
Juwai Teer | FR (02:00PM) | SR (02:45PM) | 82 | 24 | |
Night Teer Result | FR (07:15PM) | SR (08:00PM) | 06 | 64 | |
Khanapara Teer | FR (04:10PM) | SR (04:45PM) | 51 | 97 | |
Shillong Teer | FR (03:59PM) | SR (04:50PM) | 00 | 81 | |
Juwai Teer | FR (02:00PM) | SR (02:45PM) | 55 | 18 | |
Night Teer Result | FR (07:15PM) | SR (08:00PM) | 56 | 16 | |
Shillong teer night
Shillong night teer will be teer game(archery) played in Shillong-Khanapara-Juwai. You can check your fortunate Shillong night teer number from your earlier night dream. Know your Shillong night teer Dream Numbers and Teer Target Number from your last night's dreams. gives you precise data on Shillong teer night regular number, Shillong teer result, Shillong night teer dream number, past outcomes, hit number, Shillong morning teer result, Shillong bows, and arrows result, and some more.
What is Shillong Teer common number?
Shillong Teer normal number is self-determined and anticipated number dependent on past outcomes in the post. We are sharing Shillong Teer normal number every day.
How to Hack Shillong Teer result?
It's anything but a potential to hack the Shillong teer result. You know well that how the Teer game is played each day All the players play this game dependent on forecasts and past dreams. There might be some secret stunts two wins.
What is Shillong teer?
Shillong Teer is essentially a lottery and gambling game that plays two round in one day initially round is 3:30 PM and the second round is 4:30 PM assuming you need to get familiar with and dominate the match,
History of Teer?
The History of 'Teer'
Toxophilism/Archery has been the customary game of the Khasi clan of Meghalaya for quite a long time. It is accepted that at some point in the mid-twentieth century, individuals began putting down wagers on such games. Be that as it may, till the mid-1980s, wagering on Teer was prohibited by the state government.
BB Biswas, who has been in this business as a ticket dealer for more than 50 years, said:
Teer was out of nowhere restricted during the 1970s. We all took a parade out to the High Court in Shillong yet the boycott was not disavowed. The police began assaulting Teer counters and toxophilism/ Archery games. Thus, the games were held in Upper Shillong or at the cornfields in Golf Links in Shillong
As the recently framed province of Meghalaya acknowledged it very well may be a decent wellspring of income, in 1982 Teer – or wagering on arrow-based weaponry – was legitimized. It is presently controlled under the Meghalaya Amusements and Betting Tax (Amendment) Act 1982.
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It's About Jobs and Survival
Even though no authority figures are accessible, it is assessed that there are more than 5,000 Teer counters across Meghalaya. Each counter necessities a permit to work. It is the proprietors of these counters and bookies who are the large fish around here. Be that as it may, the wagering additionally gives work to more than 10,000 people – generally the individuals who sell the tickets at the toxophilism counter.
in 1965, the compensation was Rs 5 every day. Nowadays, they get between Rs 350 and Rs 500 every day. There are insufficient government occupations in the state. A huge number of families rely upon this wagering business for their endurance.
The Connection With Dreams
In Meghalaya, it is said that individuals dream about the numbers they need to put down their wagers on. What's more, there are genuine numbers related to each fantasy.
For instance,
Male – 6
Female – 5
A man and lady battling – 37
A sensual dream – 17
Consistently, from 10 am to 3.30 pm, individuals purchase passes to put down their wagers on numbers from 0 to 99. Also, at 3.30 pm, the activity movements to the toxophilism grounds in Shillong where toxophilite shoot bolts at the target.
The Archery
The day-by-day bows and arrows shooting is directed by the Khasi Hills Archery Sports Association, which is a gathering of 12 toxophilism clubs from a specific area of Shillong. Consistently, 50 bowmen shoot 30 bolts each at 3.30 pm and 20 bolts in the second round at 4.30 pm.
The bowmen are paid Rs 250 to 300 every day. The conventional objective is made of stick and is set a ways off of 50 yards.
How person win money by Lottering Shillong teer?
The game is basic. One needs to choose the last two digits of the absolute number of bolts(arrows) that hit the objective. Whoever gets the number right, is the victor/winner of Shillong Teer.
In the first cycle, 50 bowmen shoot 30 bolts(arrows). In the subsequent one, 20 bolts/Arrows are shot.
The size of the objective ought to be between 61 cm to 102 cm in stature and 66 cm to 127 cm in the periphery. The distance of the objective from the shooters won't be under 15.21 meters and more than 30.48 meters.
The bowmen should finish one round of taking shots at the objective in under five minutes. The Shillong Teer result depends on the number of bolts hitting the objectives.
Notwithstanding Shillong Teer, the game is played at the three best popular places — Khanapara Teer, Jowai Teer, and Ladrymbai Teer.
An individual can win Rs 80 for each Re 1 wager on a number in the first round and Rs 60 for each Re 1 that went through on the second round.
If one can foresee the quantity of both the first and second round, it is known as the 'gauge' and the victor gets Rs 4,000 for each Rs 1.
Shillong Teer was authorized in 1982 after the state government passed the Meghalaya Amusements and Betting Tax (Amendment) Act 1982.
We wish you all karma so you will win Shillong Teer today. Let the Shillong Teer result bring you new expectations in your life.
Where to check Shillong Teer results?
Results for the first and second round of 13th march 2021 Shillong Teer, bows and arrows-based lottery, were reported at 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm today. The game is coordinated by the Khasi Hills Archery Sports Association.
Individuals who have purchased tickets for the present Shillong Teer game can check the outcomes on The result is also available on the Shillong teer Facebook official page.
Shillong Teer online Game FAQs
Shillong Teer is a lottery game focused on archery that is run by the Khasi Hills Archery Sports Association.
To begin with, there is no such thing as a success formula for determining Teer number. Any random formula can only find the player's next goal number based on their belief and prediction.
Teer Common Number is a number that can be estimated using a mathematical formula. Teer popular numbers are entirely based on arithmetic or statistical equations based on teer previous results.
Juwai teer results can be viewed online here.
People who want to play the Shillong Teer lottery game can purchase tickets for as little as Rs 1 and as much as Rs 100. Every day at 10 a.m., tickets go on sale (Monday to Saturday). The number of arrows fired determines the winner in this lottery game. To win money, you must correctly guess the number of arrows fired in the first and second rounds.
To learn the latest tips and tricks to play shillong teer lottery game.
Subscribe to this YouTube channel.
We are providing you the link to download the apk file of teer app.
There are numerous websites to check shillong teer lottery game results. We will provide you the website that mostly updates result faster than any other site.
Since the game is played in two stages, the results of the betting game will be announced in two separate rounds. The results of the first round will be announced at 4:15 p.m., followed by the results of the second round at 5:15 p.m.