Petrol and Diesel Prices in India Today Wednesday, 26th of March 2025


Petrol prices recently hike up in India

In recent few months, retail prices of petrol and diesel have seen certain price hit and have reached its peak. As per the data maximum price charged is 90.66 in Delhi and around Rs 96 in Mumbai whereas diesel price is approximately around Rs 81 in Delhi and Rs 87 in Mumbai.

Fuel prices are different and varies from state to state as taxes are levied/charge on them by central, and state government which also includes freight charges. The central government and state charges compensate for 60% of the retail selling cost of petroleum and more than 54% of diesel. central government demands Rs 32.90 per litre of extract obligation on petroleum and Rs 31.80 a litre on diesel. Petroleum and diesel costs are for the most part modified consistently following benchmark worldwide rough costs and unfamiliar trade rates.

What was the highest petrol price in India?

At ₹ 101.77 per litre, the most elevated Petrol cost in India was recorded in Ganganagar on 27 February 2021.

Factors responsible for petrol price in India

1. Cost of Crude Oil
The adjustment in the cost of raw petroleum in the worldwide market straightforwardly impacts the cost of raw petroleum in the homegrown/domestic market. These are perhaps the main variables answerable for an expansion in petroleum costs in the Indian homegrown market. Expansion in worldwide interest, low creation rate, and any political distress in the unrefined petroleum delivering nations of the world seriously influence petroleum cost.

2. Expanded Demand
Economic development in India and other non-industrial nations has likewise prompted the increment sought after for the petroleum and other fundamental powers in India. The number of individuals who own private vehicles has gone up in the new past which has added to the increment popularity for petroleum in India; this has brought about the climb in petroleum costs in India.

3. Confound/forces of Supply and Demand
Oil refinery and treatment facility organizations in India deal with the issue to satisfy the needs of the market because of the significant expense of info cost of raw petroleum hence bringing about not so much stock but rather more interest for petroleum in the country. An expansion in supply brings about a lessening in the cost of petroleum and the other way around. Oil refining and promoting organizations keep up unrefined petroleum stock as long as about a month and a half, which additionally impacts the cost of the petroleum and oil-based commodities.

4. Tax Rates
The costs of petroleum and other oil-based commodities changes as indicated by the nearby government approaches which force charges on fills. As and when the public authority of India raises charge rates on powers the oil organizations in India likewise build the cost of the petroleum to recuperate misfortunes and keep up negligible benefits in the oil business in India.

5. Rupee to Dollar Exchange Rate
The rupee-dollar conversion scale is likewise one of the main considerations which impact the cost of petroleum in India. Indian oil organizations pay to the oil imported from different nations as far as dollars, yet their costs are concerning rupee. In this way, when the cost of the raw petroleum is in the fall however the rupee is additionally powerless against the dollar then it will lessen the increases to the oil purifiers. Then again, when the rupee fortifies against the dollar and the cost of the raw petroleum is in the fall, at that point the oil organizations will in general acquire.

6. Coordination
Logistics is one of the huge elements in estimating retail fuel. Petroleum and diesel moved to longer distances to urban areas or locales farther from terminals will be valued higher than the spots closer to the oil organizations stockpiling zone. The purpose for the adjustment in the costs of petroleum in various urban areas across India. This distinction might be enormous between urban communities that are a long way from one another.

Petrol Price Components The primary raw material for gasoline is crude oil. Currently, imports meet 75 percent of India's crude oil needs. As a result, international crude oil prices and foreign exchange rates serve as the foundation for deciding the price of gasoline in the United States. However, they account for a minor portion of the retail price, and the final price is dictated by a variety of other variables. In reality, taxes, duties, cesses, and dealer margin account for more than 57 percent of the retail petrol price per litre.

To understand the process for pricing gasoline, it is essential to first understand the various stakeholders involved in the cycle from output to retailing of gasoline, and hence the determination of gasoline prices.

1. Oil Exploration and Production Firms
These are the firms in charge of producing crude oil. In this market, there is a mix of private sector companies like Reliance Industries and Cairn India Ltd, as well as public sector counterparts like Oil India and Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), among others. However, these companies account for just 25% of India's crude oil requirements. The remaining crude oil is imported.

2. Oil Marketing Firms
The crude oil is then purchased by Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs), which manage the oil from its crude stage before it is delivered to dealers in refined form. Thus, OMCs are in charge of refining crude oil into gasoline and supplying the refined gasoline to dealers. This industry also includes both public and private corporations. However, the three PSUs—Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), and Hindustan Private Corporate Limited (HPCL)—control approximately 95 percent of this industry, with the remaining market served by two private players—Reliance Industries and Essar.

3. Traders
Individuals or companies who operate petrol stations are known as dealers. As a result, they are the final suppliers of gasoline to end consumers at retail rates, after deducting taxes and their own profit margins.

What should we predict in terms of daily fuel pricing?
Every morning at 6 a.m., the prices at petrol pumps are updated.

In addition, petrol pumps will now adopt a scheme of marginal differentiated pricing, resulting in different prices at different OMC outlets based on venue. A gas pump closer to the supply station, for example, could have a lower price than one further away.

Petrol's Retail Selling Price (RSP) The retail selling price (RSP) of gasoline is dictated by a variety of factors. Every two weeks, the Indian Basket's average crude oil price is estimated. This price is measured per barrel in dollars. The price in Indian rupees is also affected by the fortnightly average exchange rate.

From Crude Oil to Petrol To extract Petrol, crude oil is transported and refined. The cost of crude oil, freight charges, and refining charges are all added to the price. This is referred to as the Refinery Transfer Price (RTP). In other words, this is the price paid to refineries by OMCs (Oil Marketing Companies) such as IOCL, BPCL, and HPCL. OMCs keep a portion of the margin and sell it to the Dealer (the owner of the Petrol Pump).

Petrol Price FAQs

While almost all of the country is subject to GST, the prices of fuel are a further storey. At the moment, oil prices are organised in accordance with the excise tax + VAT. While the central government collects the excise tax, the state government receives VAT. Taxes, VAT, price to dealers and commissions bought from dealers are the cost of petrol and diesel.
In India prices are set in New Delhi at Rs 90.40 per litre, in Mumbai at Rs 96.83 per litre and at Chennai at Rs 90.62 per litre.
Place a drop of petrol from the nozzle on the filter pad. Without a stain on the filter paper, the drop in fuel should evaporate in about 2 minutes. There is a chance that the fuel will be altered if you find a stain.
Central contribution of Rs 33 per litre, the State governments receive averaging Rs 20 for each litre of petrol. State governments charge sales tax (VAT) from one country to another.
Base price of diesel and petrol as per data on 1st Feb 2021 in Delhi is 30.55 Rs litre and 29.30 per litre.
Fuel prices in the internal market are partially determined by real supply and demand and mostly by taxes and commissions from dealers.
The competitive price structure for fuel is followed by India to assess oil and diesel expenses. The price of fuel is updated every day and pricing is unchecked by the government. This is required to pass some profits on to the customer because of declining oil prices. The government then levies basic price taxes.
In India, a sharp increase in oil and gas prices has occurred over the past few months due to the increase in international crude oil prices due to the cutbacks in supply in major oil-producing countries. Another round of high inflation may be caused if pricing levels remain high.
It is just $0.02 a litre, followed by Iran ($0.06) that Venezuela is cheapest. The top ten countries with the lowest prices are five in Asia, four in Africa and one in South America. Hong Kong has the costliest $2.40, led by the Netherlands and the Central African Representative.
Rajasthan collects the country's highest VAT on the fuel oil, with Madhya Pradesh following it.