How to Quit Smoking?


Rules breaker, dress up like a rowdy and always surrounded by a gang. But being cool in teenage is incomplete without holding a cigarette, right??? That’s how many of us welcome the most dangerous small role of paper in our smallest life.

Gradually, smoking becomes a habit and then a weakness. In the end, you will find yourself tangled in the puffs of cigarettes and the web of deadly diseases. When you decided to quit this terrible habit you’ll find yourself in control of the tobacco.

Well, it’s never too late to take the right decision or at least to realize what is good for your health. But we cannot ignore the fact that the early decision is more beneficial.

Anyway, Are you also a smoker but not happy with this unhealthy habit and want to get rid of it ASAP? Red light for you! stop your searching vehicle here for a moment and have a look at the ways to quit smoking listed below:

i) Social Therapy

The best way to quit smoking is by protecting yourself from solitude. Be social, hang out with more people and discuss your quitting stuff with them. Talk about your healthy decision and ask them to motivates you and keep you away from cigarettes. It eases your quitting journey.

ii) Do Activities

Smoking shortens the lifespan of humans and throws them in an ocean of illness. Tobacco causing cancer and smokers also suffer from bad breath, poor memory, damaged lungs, and other dangerous diseases.

And whenever you decide to stay away from smoking, the appetite for tobacco does not allow you to stop. Keep in mind that ‘your health is your wealth’ and go for a jogging, long walk or swimming. Also, do meditation and workout regularly. It distracts you from the cravings and protects you from the bad effects of smoking.

iii) Recognize Your Triggers

Triggers force you to smoke and vary from person to person. Many people smoke after having food, some loves to smoke with alcohol or after sex or in problematic situations. So Identify your trigger and work on it.

  • If you are habitual of smoking after the meal then find an alternative and start chewing gums or eat something crunchy and healthy
  • Drinking alcohol connects many people to smoking. Ban alcohol from your life especially during the quitting process
  • If you are insanely looking for a cigarette in stress then stop doing it. Make yourself calm, take a deep breath and have a glass of water. Go and read some interesting books or watch Netflix. It will turn your stressful mood into peace.

Find the reason that encourages you to smoke and deal with it.

  1. iv) Evoke the advantages 

Smoking is not good but quitting it is profitable. Whenever you yearn for a cigarette recall the benefits of smoking-free life-

  • To live more in the beautiful world and to spend more precious moments with loved ones
  • Reduces the risk of cancer
  • Recovers the skin and protects from early wrinkles and fine lines
  • A big goodbye to bad breath and stained teeth
  • Free from the addiction of poisonous pleasure

v) Believe in yourself

Be stubborn and stick to your decision. No matter whatsoever stopping you from quitting, simply repeat a mantra in your mind ‘I will do it’.

Quit smoking is not an easy task and during the journey, you will face tons of side effects like sleeplessness, stomach upset, intolerable anxiety, cravings, etc. but believe me they all are momentary and the phase will pass quickly. Encourage yourself and avoid withdrawal symptoms.

vi) Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Being a smoker, keeping yourself away from cigarettes is not as simple as peeling potatoes but also not an impossible mission. The substance that attracts you for smoking and stops from quitting the unhealthy addiction is ‘Nicotine’. If you cut down the craving for nicotine, you’ll easily save yourself from hazardous diseases. Here, Nicotine Replacement Therapy plays a significant role.

NRT helps people to give up smoking by reducing the longing for nicotine and the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. It is a medically approved treatment and provides chewing gum, inhaler, lozenges, patches or sprays with a low dose of nicotine and free from other toxins of smoking.

vii) Prefer E-cigarettes

If you are totally dependent on cigarettes or a chain smoker and think that quitting is impossible for you. So it’s so obvious that you can’t live without the doses of nicotine. But hey, it doesn’t mean that tobacco is the only thing that keeps you alive. You can get over from your toxic routine but not instantly. Go for electronic cigarettes and slowly stop smoking.

E-cigarettes are a battery-powered vaporizer and release a small amount of nicotine. It looks like a normal cigarette and the person will also feel the same high by using it. But its effects are very low and not bad for the health. In e-cigarettes, you smoke without burning tobacco.

Follow the ways mentioned above, and defend yourself from the gunfire of tobacco. Cigarettes are dangerous, stop playing with it. Love Your Life and Stay Safe.

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