disney facts, disney fact, disney, walk disney, disney gloves, mickey mouse, mickey facts,

Walt Disney's first television show, "Disneyland," aired on ABC in 1954.

October 27 disney facts, disney fact, disney, walk disney, disney gloves, mickey mouse, mickey facts,

The famous Walt Disney's first television show, Disneyland, was produced since the year 1954 under several other titals. However, the orginal version of the series was premired on ABC, on 27th October in the year 1954 and was loved by many.

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In 1999, the worst Indian Ocean tropical super cyclone strikes Odisha, India, killing 9,885 people and reaching wind speeds of 300 miles per hour.

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Rene Goscinny's "Asterix" is originally published in the French magazine "Pilote" in 1959, drawn by Albert Uderzo.