carmen electra, carmen electra hot, carmen electra sexy, carmen electra baywatch, carmen electra mov

Carmen Electra, an American model and actress, was born in Sharonville, Ohio in 1972.

April 20 carmen electra, carmen electra hot, carmen electra sexy, carmen electra baywatch, carmen electra mov

Carmen Electra, the blonde bombshell who shot to popularity after appearing in Playboy magazine with her provocative photos, was born Tara Leigh Patrick. She'd always known she was cut out for greatness, what with her unique skin tone, crystal blue eyes, and wonderful body. Her parents were also involved in the entertainment industry, so it's no wonder that she opted to follow in their footsteps. Her professional career began as a dancer and vocalist before transitioning to television. Carmen was born in Ohio to Patricia and Harry. Her mother was a vocalist, and her father was a musician who also performed as an entertainment. Her unusual appearance is due to her blended parentage.

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