Comrade Kim Ju Meok loves Stairway to Heaven
The traditional Christmas Eve meal is KFC
Everyone has their own seal
One of the India's oldest cave collection in Madhya Pradesh
There is a treasure hunt happening in the space.
People once ate arsenic to improve their skin
Limes float, but lemons sink.
Mark antony bring egyption sand turkey to cover an entire beach for cleaopatra
Fact! There Isn't Enough Space in the World to Write a Googolplex
Fact! 13 is the most common two-digit number.
Fact! The most common "favourite number" is 7.
Fun Fact! If a pizza has a radius of "Z" and a height of "A," the equation is
Cats are said to have nine lives for a variety of strange reasons.
Fun Fact! The number one is not a prime number.
Fun Fact! The number six is the smallest perfect number.
Any number may be multiplied by 3. For a Clever Trick
Fun Fact! Roman Numerals Were Invented as a Trading System