egyptians, egypt facts, facts about egypt, egyptian gods, egyptian cat, egyptians, afterlife

Fun Fact! Egypt is the 3rd sunniest country

egyptians, egypt facts, facts about egypt, egyptian gods, egyptian cat, egyptians, afterlife

With 3863 hours of sun every year, Aswan is the third sunniest spot in the planet, averaging 10 hours of sun per day!

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The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were based on very different designs

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There is no original Bible going back to the time of Jesus.

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The anime Haikyuu!! was created to popularise volleyball, and it succeeded!

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There is a treasure hunt happening in the space.

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In 1927, Santa Claus was granted an official pilot's license.

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In Uzbekistan men cannot shake hands with women

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It was discovered by local farmers.

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The phrase "OMG" was first used in writing in a 1917 letter to Winston Churchill.

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There were five Japanese cities on the US’s initial atomic hit list and Nagasaki was not one of them

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Santa’s North Pole Home Was Dreamed Up By A 19Th Century Cartoonist.

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In Uzbekistan, there is a formal protocol for pouring tea

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Did you Know? Honey will never ever go bad.

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The Unicorn is Scotland's National Animal.

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Cornell University offers a wine major.

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The number four is extremely unlucky

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Did you Know? Mexico is one of the largest coca cola consumers

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Queen is never traveling without her personal bag of blood.

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