While there were still mammoths on the globe, the pyramids of Giza were being erected.
In 1931, a scientist decided to undertake an experiment in which he raised a monkey as if it were a person.
Earthworm's average age is more than 5 years.
Earthworms are Hermaphrodites
Wolves do not howl at the moon.
Winnie the Pooh was based on a real bear
Sheep fight after shearing because they don't recognize one another.
Colorblindness does not exist in dogs. They can perceive blue and yellow.
We share 98% of our DNA with Gorillas.
To swim underwater, sloths can hold their breath for 40 minutes.
Mountain Gorillas live in two isolated groups.
Lions hunt during the storms.
Lions can get their water from plants.
Mosquitoes can also hibernate:
Mosquitoes spend the first ten days of their lives in water
Female mosquitoes are the only ones that bite:
Mosquitoes come in over 3,500 different varieties:
The Most Dangerous yet the most, yet very Small
Is It True That You Can Cut An Earthworm In Two And Both Halves Will Survive?
Most Cats Hate getting wet because it makes them loose their control.
The earthworm has more than 1000 species.
Eating is an uphill task for the sharks.
Sharks are slow swimmers and migrate a long way.
We Have No Idea Why Cats Meow.
Cats Went To Space For The First Time In 1963.
Cheetahs Are Not The Only Fast Cats.