royal, bengal, royalbengal, tiger, bigcat, animal, carnivor, maletiger

The royal Bengal tiger is the largest cat.

royal, bengal, royalbengal, tiger, bigcat, animal, carnivor, maletiger

You probably already knew that Royal Bengal Tigers are the largest of the wild cats, but did you know that male Tigers can weigh up to 300 kilograms? Jeez! That's the equivalent of weighing a group of six average humans. All they have to do is sit on top of you and lick their paws, and you're dead.

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Small dogs have a wider range of hearing than large dogs.

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peacocks dont have to be killed in order to get their feathers.

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Did you Know? Snakes have no eyelids.

peacock, feathers, male, female, atlantic, mating, tail, peahen, peachicks

only the male birds are called peacocks.

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Many cats are allergic to humans.

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Earthworms are Hermaphrodites

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Cheetahs do not roar; instead, they meow and purr.

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Male polar bears can weigh as much as 10 men.

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Fun Fact! Some sea snakes can breathe through their skin.

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Certain breeds of Chickens are on the verge of extinction.

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The horns of Rhinos are made up of the same stuff as our fingernails.

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Did you Know? Ghost crabs grumble using their stomach teeth.

cats, smelly cat, cat facts, cat lazy, lazy cat, cat in space, space cats

Cats Are Unable To Taste Sweets.

royal, bengal, royalbengal, tiger, bigcat, animal, carnivor, maletiger, nocturnal

tigers are nocturnal animals

lyrebird, lyre birds, sound imitation

The lyrebird can imitate nearly any sound, even chainsaws.

peacock, feathers, male, female, atlantic, mating, tail

A peacock's crest acts as a sensor for mating

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The bite of a grizzly bear is powerful enough to destroy a bowling ball.

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Fun Fact! Eagles are a symbol of liberty and peace.

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Did you Know? Gorillas are forest regulators.

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Baby sea otters cannot swim straight away.

cheetah, animals, prey, largecats, wildcats, cheetahcharacteristics

Cheetahs Enjoy Fast Food and Do Not Drink Much 

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Trunks of Elephant have mad skills.

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Chicken also dreams in their sleep.

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The endangered two-humped Bactrian camel is native to Mongolia

royal, bengal, royalbengal, tiger, bigcat, animal, carnivor, maletiger, nocturnal, ambush, streak

A group of Tigers is called an ambush or streak