7 Facts About Mumbai That May Amaze you

Mumbai, the city of dreams, has many marvelous facts that still amaze us to this day. It is the capital of Maharashtra and the Bollywood hub of India.
Posted On October 12th, 2020

The slum area of Mumbai Dharavi is the most expensive slum in Asia. It could cost more than 3 lakhs rupees to build a house in Dharavi.
Dharavi in Mumbai is the biggest slum in the entire world. This populated area houses a lot of people that live below the poverty line. However, these people are not as poor as we would think they would be. Each house in Dharavi costs more than 300000 Indian rupees to be built.

The zero mile stone of Mumbai that was established during the British period and their observations of cartography is the geographical center of the city.

Mumbai locals carry upto 8 million people per day which is equivalent to almost double the entire population of New Zealand
Mumbai locals are undoubtedly the most preferred way to commute in the city.. However, when you calculate the number of people who commute through locals every single day, the number goes up to 8 million which is twice the number of the entire population of New Zealand.

It's still illegal to purchase alcohol in Mumbai, according to The Prohibition Act, 1949
If we dig too deep into the alcoholic activities of Mumbaikars, it is actually a shocker to know that it is still illegal to purchase alcohol in Mumbai, as prescribed by the prohibition act that was drawn in the year 1949.

Antilla, the house of Mukesh Ambani in Mumbai is the world's most expensive house. It is priced $ 1 billion
Mukesh Ambani is one of the richest people in the whole world. He is the richest person in India. It is no surprise that he would spend extravagant amounts of money on his house. Antilla, his residence that is built in Mumbai is the world's most expensive house with its price shooting above 1 billion dollars.

The city is so crowded that it has only 1.1 square meters open space per person
It is not a shocker that Mumbai's population is through the roofs. However, if you do the maths, there is only 1.1 square meters of open space per person – that's how crowded the city is.

Mumbai's Dabbawala is highest rated by Forbes Magazine which is Sigma Six rating. This rating signifies less than one error per one million transactions
Mumbai's Dabbawalas deliver tiffin boxes to millions of people everyday. The system is so flawless and so strict that they have been given a Sigma 6 rating by Forbes Magazine which save that there is less than 1 error in every one million transactions that take place