5 Places In South America That Must Be In Your Travel List

South America is a traveler’s list. It spills with culture and adventure wherever one steps foot. Sadly, it is often ignored and forgotten. South America is not only amazingly beautiful but also a budget location. Backpackers often take to the road in South America moving across this beautiful continent, searching unheard locations, and traveling to well-known destinations.
Posted On October 12th, 2020

Located in the west of The South American continent. Peru is the 19th largest country in the world meaning there is a lot hiding here. Lima, Maras and Cusco are must to explore places here. Due to its varied geography, Peru has a wide variety of animals. Architecture lovers will too find solace in this country.

Venezuela has been hurt by a major economic crisis but that never means that its heritage and nature have taken a toll. It is surrounded by Caribbean islands waiting to be explored. Caracas and Valencia are its most stunning locations.

Bordered by the vast Pacific Ocean, Chile is a marvelous location full of wildlife, a variety of terrains, and urban architecture. Puerto Varas is a must-visit and so is the golden and sandy San Pedro.

From Galápagos Islands to Cuenca, Ecuador is a truly extravagant place. The beaches of Ecuador are picturesque and the national parks flawless. It still has a place for architecture lovers, who want to glance at both urban and historic marvels.

Sao Paulo is the hub of urban culture, Manaus bustles with life, Fernando is perfect for beach lovers, Ilha Grand Is the best of coastlines and Gramado is every nature lover’s dream. Brazil is a must explore.