7 Strange Superheroes That Exist in Marvel Universe

In Marvel Comics, there are genuinely iconic characters, but at the same time, there are some very odd Marvel Comics characters to match. Although the planet is saved by All-American heroes and industrial millionaires, as opposed to his peers, the notion of a boy bitten by a radioactive spider is not really that strange. A bubbly girl who can interact with squirrels, living worlds and giant majestic trees ... There are talking pigs and ducks who fight crime. The creators of Marvel Comics seem to have left no stone unturned.
Posted On October 29th, 2020

For his superhero deeds, this blue-skinned X-Men character gets all the glory, but it is actually his associates who do all the dirty work, and we mean dirty. Two massive and gross maggot-like things called Eany and Meany are residing inside Maggott 's body. They eat their way in and out of the body of their host, which starts the process which triggers the supernatural abilities of Maggott. Unfortunately, he was finally killed, and his "sentient digestive system" was gifted to a few children, but an alien virus has since brought him back to life. Life can get pretty complicated in the Marvel Universe.

Dinah Soar
Most of the history of Dinah Soar remains a mystery. During her long life, however, she came to live in Wisconsin where, despite her inability to verbally communicate with others and many people fearing her presence, she was attracted to helping others.

Steve Harmon was a high school student who worked in New Jersey at a local carnival as a clown. Two of his classmates were kidnapped one day by a gang of evil clowns who used an interdimensional portal to escape disguised as a funhouse mirror. Grabbing a large mallet as a shield, they were followed by Steve. Steve's molecules were spread over 3741 dimensions after he reached the gateway, creating a rift that alerted many of the more-aware beings of Marvel, including Doctor Odd, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man and Howard the Duck. As dysfunctional molecules dubbed ectoplasm, Steve's body was reassembled, effectively rendering him a living cartoon character.

Squirrel Girl
So, what's notable about this strange character from Marvel Comics? Well, she defeated Thanos, but it's just The Watcher who knows how it happened. By directing her squirrel friends to him, she beat Doctor Doom as well. Really, Squirrel Girl is unbeatable, and that could be her real superpower.

Matt was a mutant who could flatten his body to great lengths and stretch it. He started working at Coolio Beans Coffee after dropping out of community college, where he met a party organiser named Andrew. He saw Matt using his powers and encouraged him to work for him, portraying Mr Fantastic at parties. Matt grew tired of his lifestyle after working together for a while and even beginning a relationship with Andrew and wanted to become a superhero just like Mr Fantastic. When Andrew found out that, unlike Reed Richards, Matt was weak and uneducated, Matt decided to create a fictional alter-ego to go with his identity as a superhero, and so he began to call himself Dr Val Ventura, aka Flatman.

Combo Man
Combo Man starred in advertisements in Marvel Comics promoting Combos, snack food that dramatically merged the flavours of pretzel and cheese, perhaps the strangest piece of marketing Marvel has ever been interested in. They were pretty tasty in all honesty, but this superhero was an unusual way to market them. This superhero is a mix of all of Marvel's most popular characters since the food was designed around the principle of a flavour combo.

The Beef (Chuck Carter)
The Beef is perhaps one of the weirdest single comics Image has ever published, and considering that they are still the patron saint of unorthodox and outright surreal comics, that's a whole lot to say. The character is known as The Beef also goes by the similarly meaty name of Chuck Carter, a meat factory worker who is responsible for killing the cattle at the local fast-food chain that are made into burgers. Instead, he physically transforms into a giant, fleshy beast made of beef, because often the title of a comic is actually what the whole series is about.