10 Favorite TV Best Friends Duo

We can't choose our families, after all, but we can choose those who become our closest confidantes, our partners in crime, and "our guy" who knows us better than we know ourselves at times. Over the years, there have been dozens of TV friendships; we stick with pairs of two for the purposes of this essay and keep mostly away from work pairs, whether the reports concentrate more on friendships than job relationships. So, for what does that leave us? Many ensemble comedies that involve a wide group of people, such as "Living Alone," "Friends" or "Big Bang Theory," include a handful of friends that hang out a little more.
Posted On November 2nd, 2020

Jake and Charles, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Detectives Jake Peralta and Charles Boyle are perceived to be Brooklyn Nine-Nine 's closest friends. But in their relationship, there is an imbalance that makes some doubt how true their friendship is. Jake and Charles behave like real best friends at times, but it's a tough friendship to trust in others.

Will and Grace, Will and Grace
A true friend is going to love your mad mess. She's a neurotic disaster, and he's a clean compulsive obsessive freak. Yet the best friends and roommates rely on each other to navigate the adult world of dating and work, juggling the eccentricities of each other. As Grace tells Will, "This scar is like my love for you." Ugly yet perpetual.

Rajesh and Howard, The Big Bang Theory
Your inner kid likes a true mate. Like a married couple, they can bicker, but Howard and Raj still make up and soon return to bonding over an love of all things nerdy-comic books, technology, "Star Trek." Their bromance can also obstruct their love lives, but Howard makes Raj resolve his intense shyness towards women, and with Bernadette, Raj is a huge part of Howard's family life.

Rizolli and Isles, Rizolli and Isles
Boston detective Jane Rizzoli (Harmon) and medical examiner Maura Isles, accompanied by Rizzoli & Isles; a chalk-and-cheese team on the search for some of the most infamous killers and personalities in the criminal underworld of Boston.

Fez and Michael, That 70s Show
The '70s show is not the same without Fez. He finishes off the gang and the show. Fez is a friend who is nice and trustworthy. He sticks up for the gang sometimes. He 's good, he's innocent and he's a little naive. He is, nonetheless, a loving friend who is still there for them. To help them out, they may count on him. His peers ignore his many flaws, though. As has been found out, his peers also find out that he is weird and nuts. He does a lot of stuff that would sound unusual to other individuals. Really, he's grateful that his mates have been great about it. He may have ended up in detention in some situations.

Petra and Jane, Jane The Virgin
After Petra 's self-insemination and eventual pregnancy, Petra and Jane slowly shift into a relationship that gives the couple something real in common. They are currently on very friendly terms and they always, often publicly and often discreetly, support each other out.

Leslie and Ann, Parks and Recreation
Best mates worship each other. Life can often get them down, but with a smile or an inspiring word to lift each other up, these two besties are still there. If Leslie gives Ann one of her over-the-top praises, or Ann helps Leslie in one of her special ventures, the two celebrate each other without fail and enjoy each other. And in celebration of female friendship, Leslie gave something very special to her sisterhood: Galentine's Day.

Meredith and Christina, Grey’s Anatomy
A true friend becomes your "person." Mer and Cristina are two women who don't back down from a challenge and who shore up each other through the bad times of life, whether they're commiserating over men, voicing thoughts about a patient, fighting a gunman or surviving a plane crash. They hug it out sometimes, drink it out sometimes, and party it out other times, and anybody who wants romance with either of them soon knows not to mess with this relationship. She reminds Meredith that she is the sun as Cristina leaves, not Derek, and inspires her to continue being a powerful woman.

Poussey and Taystee, Orange in The New Black
The essence of Orange Is the New Black can be found in the serious, sweet, and sometimes funny friendships among the finest of Litchfield when you get through all the khaki jumpsuits and the surprising backstories and eventually brush your tears away. The friendship between Taystee Jefferson and Poussey Washington, played by real-life best friends Danielle Brooks and Samira Wiley, is arguably the best of the bunch.

Sherlock and Doctor Watson , Sherlock Holmes
A good friend is going to put up with your vanity. An extremely clever intellect can contribute to an over-inflated ego that makes a person difficult to deal with, and with Holmes, the down-to - earth Watson is initially hesitant to take on the task. He learns, however, to ignore the eccentricities of the masterful detective, and Holmes comes to care about Watson, becoming a support net for the traumatised Royal Army vet. Together, in prosecuting murders, the two become an irresistible team.