One of the most enjoyable aspects of being a human being is amassing a wide range of random information and trivia during our life. Random fun facts might help you break the ice, wow a date, or win a pub quiz. But you don't have to need these small morsels of mind-blowing information to find them interesting. Reading these completely odd facts about science, history, cuisine, celebrities, your body, the universe, and more will make your mouth drop at least once. And here are some more outlandish fun facts.

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Fun Fact! The number one is not a prime number.

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Fun Fact! The Number 9 Is Considered a "Magic" Number

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Fun Fact! The number six is the smallest perfect number.

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Fun Fact! Pi is an irrational number.

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Fact! The Fibonacci Sequence Can Be Found in Nature

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Fun Fact! There is just one number that is spelled with the same number of letters as the number itself.

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Any number may be multiplied by 3. For a Clever Trick

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Fun Fact! Zero was discovered at different times by different cultures.

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Fact! The number zero is an even number.

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Fun Fact! Roman Numerals Were Invented as a Trading System

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"Hundred" Doesn't Always Mean "One Hundred"

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Pythagoras' Constant is the square root of two.

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The only number that cannot be represented in Roman numerals is zero.

Sech Kies, Korean Idols, Korean stars, Korean celebrity, Korean celebrity facts, Korean drama facts,

Did you Know? Sech Kies is the longest running idol group in South Korea

Yang Hyun Suk, Korean Idols, Korean stars, Korean celebrity, Korean celebrity facts, Korean drama fa

Did you Know? In 1990's Korean Music incorporated American Popular Music Styles.

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Did you Know? In Korea, Age comes before anything.

Henry Appenzeller, Korean Idols, Korean stars, Korean celebrity, Korean celebrity facts, Korean dram

Fact! The History of Korean Popular Music can be traced back to 1885.

Animals, Animals facts, Animals fact

Did you Know? Animals have friends too!

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Fun Fact! Dresses went a major reform during the Victorian Age.

Dresses, traditional Dresses, mens Dresses, orignal dresses

Did you Know? In 19th century dresses took a dramatic shape.

Dresses, traditional Dresses, mens Dresses, orignal dresses

Fun Fact! Dresses were not originally a trend amongst women.

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Did you Know? Tasmanian devils have the most powerful bite.

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Did you Know? Human-like fingerprints are seen on koalas.

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Did you Know? Clownfish may change their gender.

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Did you Know? Beavers have teeth made of metal.

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Fact! Dung beetles are quite powerful.

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Fun Fact! Hippos are incredibly quick for their size.