spartan facts, facts about sparta, spartan women

Fun Fact! Spartan women controlled the majority of the land and riches in the city-state.

spartan facts, facts about sparta, spartan women

In comparison to the rest of Ancient Greek inheritance law, Spartan inheritance law was insanely progressive. When a Spartan died, his public state-granted farmland was returned to the state. His own land, on the other hand, would be given to his wife. Due to Sparta's warrior culture, many spouses died early, and their widows would frequently expand their inheritance throughout the course of their lives before their own deaths. When they died, their land would be divided equally between their male and female children. As a result, a young lady who marries a wealthy guy will most likely receive his fortune when she is young. Then they inherit their mother's inheritance and multiply it, becoming super ultra-rich. They

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