color facts, color, facts about mind, facts of color, pink facts, pink color, colors

Fun Fact! Some colors are only good in small doses.

color facts, color, facts about mind, facts of color, pink facts, pink color, colors

Although yellow is widely regarded as a mood-enhancing colour, it is not recommended as a primary colour scheme. According to studies, rooms with too much yellow may cause people to lose their tempers more easily.

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Alexander the Great was accidently buried alive.

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U.S. Chess Master Bobby Fischer was issued an arrest warrant for playing a chess march in Yugoslavia.

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Fun Fact! Kite originated in China!

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Fun Fact! The first astronomers to track Jupiter were Babylonians

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In Mexico, escaping from prison is completely lawful.

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The continent of Europe is named after a Phoenician princess.

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Fun Fact! Ten Communities in Scandinavia Have the Shortest City Names

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Fun Fact! Greece wasn't officially known as Greece!

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The first passengers in a hot air balloon were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster.

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Fun Fact! Apples in grocery stores can be a year old

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Fun Fact! The phrases engraved on the Liberty Bell are kinda Incorrect

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Fun Fact! Estonia is home to one of Europe's oldest pharmacies.

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The original name of Los Angeles is "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de Los Angeles de Porciuncula."

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Fun Fact! Muammar Gaddafi Was Libya’s Longest-Serving Leader

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Fun Fact! The Capital Gate building in Abu Dhabi leans more than Pisa's Leaning Tower.