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Did you Know? The most expensive coffee is made from cat poop,

coffee, coffee facts, facts about coffee, coffee, coffee facts, coffee power, coffee drug, most expe

The most expensive coffee on the planet is "Kopi Luwak." It is made in Indonesia from beans digested by the Asian Palm Civet. That is, it is derived from cat poop. It can cost up to €350 per kilo!

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The continent of Europe is named after a Phoenician princess.

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Fun Fact! Nearly half the zippers worldwide are made in Japan

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The first passengers in a hot air balloon were a sheep, a duck, and a rooster.

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Fun Fact! The Nazis considered using potato beetles to attack England.

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U.S. Chess Master Bobby Fischer was issued an arrest warrant for playing a chess march in Yugoslavia.

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Fun Fact! There are more historic artefacts under the sea than in all of the world’s museums

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Fun Fact! Cars Weren't Invented in the United States

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A Fireworks Ban led to the Iconic New Year's Eve Time Square Ball drop.

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Fun yet a Fact! The days are becoming longer.

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Pizza is a better option for breakfast than cereal.

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Fun Fact! Jupiter has the shortest day of all planets, despite its hefty size

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Fun Fact! In Japan, there are anti-ninja floors.

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Did you Know? The McDonald's in Kyiv is one of the most popular McDonald's restaurants in the world.

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Nobody knows where "The Midnight Kiss" or New Year's eve came from.

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Fun Fact! It is Far Better to Face the Bullets in the First World War...

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Fun Fact! Despite the poverty, luxury tourism has arrived in Madagascar

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Fun Fact! There are world records associated with the Kites!

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Fun Fact! The Assassin's Creed franchise was started by an accident

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A ton of cell phones holds more gold than a ton of gold ore.

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Fun Fact! It’s possible to find rivers and lakes beneath the ocean.

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Fun Fact! Muammar Gaddafi Was Libya’s Longest-Serving Leader