Fun Facts About Science

chocolate facts, facts about chocolate

Fun Fact! Real chocolate can prevent tooth decay

jupiter, jupiter facts, facts about jupiter, jupiter rings,

Fun Fact! Jupiter is the king of planet by mass

sun facts, facts about sun, sun fact, sun size, space facts, space fact, facts about space

Fun Fact! The atmosphere of the sun is hotter than tits surface.

sun facts, facts about sun, sun fact, sun size, space facts, space fact, facts about space

Fun Fact! The Sun is Middle Aged.

sun facts, facts about sun, sun fact, sun size, space facts, space fact, facts about space

Fun Fact! The sun is huge but tiny.

gravity, facts about gravity, gravity facts

Did you Know! Gravity on earth actually varies.

gravity, facts about gravity, gravity facts

Did you Know? Some massive objects can make gravitational waves.

black hole, supermassive black hole, large black hole

Did you Know? Black hole is at the centre of the galaxies.

gravity, facts about gravity, gravity facts

Did you Know Gravity is lumpy?

gravity, facts about gravity, gravity facts

Fun Fact! Gravity is all in your head.

coffee, coffee facts, facts about coffee, coffee, coffee facts, coffee power, coffee drug

Fun Fact! Add cream and keep your coffee warm.

rain, rain drop, rain smell, rain facts, rainy season

Did you Know? Rain have a smell

cotton candy, cotton candy invention

Machine-spin cotton candy was invented by a dentist

water facts, triple boil, liquid, ice, gas, water states, water temperature

Water may exist in three states at the same time.

diamonds, diamond rain, neputune diamond, uranus diamond,

Diamonds can fall from the sky on other planets.

hot water, cold water, hot water freezing, cold water freezing, hot water cold water

Hot water freezes more quickly than cold water.

lazer light, light and water, lazer and water, bending light

A laser can become entangled in water.

Reading stone, visual aid, reading stone facts

Did you Know? The first version of a vision aid, known as a "Reading Stone"

Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Franklin facts, Benjamin Franklin inventions, Benjamin Franklin science,

Did you Know? Benjamin Franklin invented bifocal lenses

Niels Bohr, Niels Bohr facts, Niels Bohr dream, structure of atom, atom

In a dream, Niels Bohr glimpsed the structure of atoms.

Neutron stars, Neutron stars facts, Neutron stars physics, Neutron star, Neutron stars spinning

Neutron stars can spin 600 times per second

Mars rover, mars life, martian, life on mars

There is a possibility of life on the Mars

gold facts, mobile facts, gold ore, mobile gold, golden mobile, mobile fact, golden facts,

A ton of cell phones holds more gold than a ton of gold ore.

newton, isaac newton, isaac newton apple, apple newton, newton facts, isaac newton facts

The apple did not fall on Newton's head.

new earth, proxima b, habitable planet, new earth, after earth, new planets, HD 904790

A new livable planet has been found by scientists.

color of earth, purple earth, old earth

Purple used to be the color of the Earth.

ocean facts, ocean discovery, ocean exploration

80 percent of the ocean remains undiscovered.