Fun Fact! The Wright Brothers did not attend college.
Fun Fact! The phrases engraved on the Liberty Bell are kinda Incorrect
Fun Fact! A 17-year-old created the present United States flag.
Did you Know? His name was not really “Leonardo da Vinci”
They absolutely adore our pizza! Americans Devour About 100 Acres Of Pizza Every Day
Fun Fact! The Batsuit has it all.
Fun Fact! Throughout the comic books, Superman dies several times.
Fun Fact! In the 1300s, it officially became a holiday associated with love.
Fun Fact! Valentine's Day has its roots in an ancient Pagan festival.
Fun Fact! There Is a Place Called "Batman"
Fun Fact! Obama's favourite superhero is Spider-Man.
Fun Fact! Spider-Man's Spidey Sense Was More Powerful Than You Think
Fun Fact! There is a Batman University Course.
Fun Fact! Bruce Wayne is smarter than Einstein.
Fun Fact! Italy's last king ruled for mere 36 days
Fun Fact! Italy is one of Western Europe's youngest countries
Fun Fact! Malaysians don’t really think of themselves as Malaysian
Fun Fact! Vodka originated in Poland
Fun Fact! Greece wasn't officially known as Greece!
Fun Fact! In Greece, Name Days are as important as Birthdays.
Fun Fact! Spain has below-average high school qualifications
Fun Fact! Moldova is the second booziest nation on Earth
Fun Fact! There is only one place that serves alcohol in Disneyland
Fun Fact! The Disneyland's Haunted mansion has a pet cemetery.
Fun Fact! Moldova is home to Europe’s most unlikely tourist attraction
Fun Fact! Moldova wine is banned in Russia
Fun Fact! Mario's video game voice actor showed up uninvited to the audition