humans, human facts, human mind, psychology facts, facts about psychology, human psychology

Fun Fact! We want to breach additional rules when one looks too stringent.

humans, human facts, human mind, psychology facts, facts about psychology, human psychology

Psychologists have examined a phenomena known as reactance, which states that when individuals think that particular liberties are being taken away, they not only break the law, but break it significantly more than they would normally in order to reclaim their freedom. This might be one of the finest psychological facts to explain why a youngster who isn't allowed to use his phone in class will chew gum while texting.

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Fun Fact! Most individuals lean their heads to one side during kissing.

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Fun Fact! Fear may be pleasurable if we are not in imminent danger.

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Fun Fact! Some people even celebrate New Year's Eve in red underpants.

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Fun Fact! Women can have children after they die.

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Fun Fact! Sharp knives are more dangerous than dull blades.

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Did you Know? Some people only dream in black and white.

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Fun Fact! Albert Einstein did not suffer academically.

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People with brain impairment may develop a "joke addiction."

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On a 3,500-year-old Babylonian tablet, the earliest "your mom" joke was uncovered.

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Why is there so much hype for the iPhone?

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Fun Fact! Boys fight more than girls.

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Fun Fact, yet Dangerous! Mondays are the most common days for heart attacks.

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Communication with friends is good for men's health.

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Fun Fact! Spain has below-average high school qualifications

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Fun Fact! Throughout the comic books, Superman dies several times.

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In Japan, Asakura murals are an example of well-organized chaos.

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Fun Fact! Kissing is an exercise.

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Fun Fact! Moldova is the second booziest nation on Earth

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Fun Fact! Albert Einstein was a fan of the iconic tongue photograph.

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Fun Fact! Dresses went a major reform during the Victorian Age.

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Fun Fact! Sitting at your desk may be fatal.