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Fun Fact! Spain has below-average high school qualifications

spain, facts about spain, spain facts, spainish facts, spainish food, spainish language, spain girls

Official statistics show that over half of all persons up to the age of 64 have the equivalent of a high school graduation, significantly below the OECD average of nearly 75%. Younger generations, on the other hand, are defying the trend, with 65 percent of millennials obtaining the certificate — and the number is climbing.

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People tend to look for the things that conform the things they already believe.

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We can only remember three or four things at a time.

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Fun Fact! In the 1300s, it officially became a holiday associated with love.

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When you are chilly, shivering helps you lose weight.

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Fun Fact! One hour of banging your skull against a wall burns 150 calories.

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Fun Fact! Dresses were not originally a trend amongst women.

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Fun Fact! Kissing is an exercise.

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Fun Fact! Catching a yawn could help us connect.

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Fun Fact! There is only one place that serves alcohol in Disneyland

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To avoid Edison's patents, Hollywood relocated from New York to Los Angeles.

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Fun Fact! Women can have children after they die.

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Fun Fact! We don't predict our reactions for future events very well.

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Did you Know? Russians Believe in a plethora of superstitions.

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Fun Fact! We want to breach additional rules when one looks too stringent.

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Myth Busted! Fact! Humans can't multitask!

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Fun Fact! In few hours you can be convinced that you committed a crime that never took place.

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Addiction to love is as strong as addiction to drugs or nicotine.

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"I love you" has a more emotional effect when it is whispered into the left year.

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Fun Fact! The brain actually feels rejection as a physical pain.

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Fun Fact! Sitting at your desk may be fatal.

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Fun Fact! George Washington Never Had Wooden Teeth

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Fun Fact! Coming down to Earth is tough.

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Creative Writing is similar to professional athletics.