lead facial, facts about queen, elizabeth facts, facts about queen elizabeth

Fun Fact! Elizabeth I used to have a lead facial

lead facial, facts about queen, elizabeth facts, facts about queen elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth I used to use ceruse, a combination of white lead and vinegar, to paint her face. Despite how appealing these two components appear, you'll be surprised to learn that they are incredibly corrosive and ageing. "Those ladies that use it on their faces, do rapidly become withered and grey haired, for this doth so terribly dry up the naturall moisture of their flesh," one of her contemporaries observed of women who used ceruse. That sounds like a fantastic concept!

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Myth Busted! Fact! Humans can't multitask!

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On a 3,500-year-old Babylonian tablet, the earliest "your mom" joke was uncovered.

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Fun Fact! Fear may be pleasurable if we are not in imminent danger.

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Your nerve cells function better.

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Fun Fact! Women can have children after they die.

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Fact! Colors can play trick on your mind.


Cherophobia is the unreasonable dread of having fun or being happy.

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Fun Fact! In Hungary, clinking glasses is frowned upon.

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Fun Fact! Albert Einstein was a fan of the iconic tongue photograph.

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Fun Fact! Male babies can get erections in the womb.

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Fun Fact! Your sneeze is really strong.

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When you are chilly, shivering helps you lose weight.

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Fun Fact! Some people even celebrate New Year's Eve in red underpants.