Your spine is extremely adaptable! It could be bent to create 2/3 of a full circle if disconnected from the body.
Did you Know? On the moon, there were previously active volcanoes.
Fun Fact! Obama's favourite superhero is Spider-Man.
An English Stained Glass Tradition
A King Penguin Was Knighted In Norway.
An enraged Indian ruler deployed Rolls Royce automobiles to gather rubbish.
Starbucks donates old food.
Uranus is not the most distant planet, but it is the coldest.
House cats share 95.6% of their genetic makeup with tigers
An Octothorpe is a technical term for the hashtag sign.
The solid is not glass
What Is the Weight of a Fairyfly?
Not all spider bites are dangerous.
Muhamad Ali Is the Only Person Whose Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Is Not on the Ground
Collagen shields the skin from oxidation:
And Clownfish Vanished After Finding Nemo
There Are Only Two Ways To Get To Machu Picchu
Did you Know? "Ladakh has the highest bridge in the world"
Rio de Janeiro is home to the world's largest urban forest.
Fennel Seeds Aid in Lactation
Formula-fed Babies Are More Content
There are enormous geckos with different chirps in Cambodia.
Did you Know? According to Legends, Macbeth had a curse on it.
The British Museum had its own tube station for over 30 years
Change your watch when you arrive in Myanmar