greek, greekmythology, hydra, heracles, lernaean, monster, lerna, zeus, humankind, watersnake, hydra

Why the Hydras are predatory?

greek, greekmythology, hydra, heracles, lernaean, monster, lerna, zeus, humankind, watersnake, hydra

They eat worms, insect larvae, small crustaceans, larval fish, and other invertebrates. They use their stinging cells to stun, entangle, or kill their prey before eating it. Some species of Hydra have even been known to sting fish to death.

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Did you Know, You can Pass across the world's longest glass bottom bridge.

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"Volcanic Lava Has the Potential to Convert to Glass "

Welsh gold

Welsh gold is used to make royal wedding rings.


Mirrors reflect both light and sound.

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Lyndon B. Johnson drove a water-surfing automobile.

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Did you know that the term "coccyx" (tailbone) comes from the word "cuckoo"?

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Did you Know? There is a thin ring around Jupiter

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The tallest flower is a sunflower

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Scholars Aren’t Completely Sure What The Incas Used Machu Picchu For

Formula-fed babies

Formula-fed babies are more likely to become ill.

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A human could swim through a blue whale's veins.

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What Are Iguanas Fearful Of?

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Did you Know? Brazil is the 8th largest economy in the world

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Glass is completely recyclable.

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The concept of multitasking does not exist.


Some flavors are available for a short period only.

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Nepal has the deepest tallest and highest

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Did you Know! Gravity on earth actually varies.

scream, movie, real story, Gainesville Ripper,  American, serial killer

Billy, the iconic Saw puppet, was so important to filmmakers James Wan and Leigh Whannell that they paid for it to have its own seat on a flight from Melbourne to Los Angeles.

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Did you Know? The Claim that Batman doesn't kill is a myth

scream, movie, real story, Gainesville Ripper,  American, serial killer

Linda Blair, best known for her role as the possessed child Regan in The Exorcist, made a brief appearance in Scream.


Laos' main agricultural export is coffee.

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Anxiety Can Be Genetic

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Did you Know? Coffee was discovered by a goat herder.


People can actually undergo operations to alter the colour of their eyes