lobster, crabs, clams, mussels

When they crave blood or sex, lobsters notably urinate out of their faces.

lobster, crabs, clams, mussels

The greenish-brown dots next to the antennae are lobsters' antennal glands, and it's common practice for them to urinate at one another during conflict or courtship. A male enters a pheromonal state of calm when the female, who initiates contact, repeatedly urinates in his shelter.

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Athena was born differently from her siblings: she was the consequence of a headache.

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Pirates wore eye patches.


Silk is a very adaptable fabric.

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Chia seeds were originally utilised as a kind of payment.

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Indonesia boasts the most 'young' people in the world.

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Did you Know? Dogs do not experience guilt.

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It can help strengthen your immune system.

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Sunflower is an Edible Flower.

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Did you Know? Mongolia is home to endangered snow leopards

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USB Drives & North Korea: Flash Drives For Freedom Campaign

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Geffen had low hopes for Nevermind.


Indonesia consists approximately 17,504 islands.

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Did you Know? Dracula Was Inspired By A Nightmare.

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Whoever it was, they left the job quickly.

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Is there a difference between caramel and dulce de leche?

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Fun Fact! Bed bugs are as old as dinosaurs


A 6- to 8-inch-long skeleton was unearthed outside a Chilean ghost town.

White willow

White willow is used to make cricket bats.

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You can use sunflowers as scrubbing pads.

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Better chances of winning the lottery than getting into Harvard