toto, earned, munchkins, wizrd of oz, canine, actor

Toto Earned More Than the Munchkins on The Wizard of Oz

toto, earned, munchkins, wizrd of oz, canine, actor

A lot more, in fact. The canine actor earned $125 per week for his efforts, while the actors playing the Munchkins brought in just $50 a week.

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The Barbie doll was born in 1959.


Indonesia is the only spot on the planet where you may see the Komodo dragon in the wild.


Probiotics are present throughout our bodies, not only the gut.

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USB Drives & North Korea: Flash Drives For Freedom Campaign

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Fun Fact! Basketball was first played using a football.

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Using Grapefruit to Reduce "Bad" Cholesterol

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Vision Boards Can Help You Relax

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Did you Know? Who was the First Female Best Director

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During WWII, wearing lipstick became a symbol of patriotism.

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Persian carpets' quality has not changed, but their purpose has.

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Butterflies eat only liquids.

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Alexandria Was Named After Alexander The Great

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Did you Know? The sun sends more energy to Earth per hour than the planet uses in a year.

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The Human Brain has the ability to manage emotions, memories, thinking, respiration, and other functions.