jordan, jawa, dam, jawadam, blackdesert,world, oldestdam

The world's oldest DAM is situated in Jordon.

jordan, jawa, dam, jawadam, blackdesert,world, oldestdam

Jordan is home to the world's oldest dam. The Jawa Dam was the first dam to be built, and it was built in 3,000 BCE in the driest areas of Jordan's Black Desert. 

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Jaivana is the world's largest mobile cannon.

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The better, the more vitamin D you consume

taste buds

Everyone has a unique set of taste buds.

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Democrats put more stock in astrology.

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Perseus Took Medusa’s Head

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There are no natural predators of sea lampreys.

Ancient Wonder

Egypt Is Home To The Only Remaining Ancient Wonder In The World

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Hank Azaria, aka David, tried out for Joey.

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In adults, chronic smoking can cause sleeplessness.

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Pigeons are natural navigators.

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Their "Wings" Flap as They Move

Female spiders

Female spiders have a voracious appetite.

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One-third of the Netherlands is under sea level

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Did you Know? You can see how old your eggs are!

chia seed

Chia seeds are sproutable.

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro is home to the world's largest urban forest.

 secret menu Netflix

There is a secret menu on Netflix.