jordan, jawa, dam, jawadam, blackdesert,world, oldestdam

The world's oldest DAM is situated in Jordon.

jordan, jawa, dam, jawadam, blackdesert,world, oldestdam

Jordan is home to the world's oldest dam. The Jawa Dam was the first dam to be built, and it was built in 3,000 BCE in the driest areas of Jordan's Black Desert. 

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They sense vibrations to "hear"

witches, The Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter, witchcraft,  magic

Almost no 'witch' was ever burned at the stake.

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Butterflies have a short lifespan.

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Nalanda University is one of the oldest universities in the world.

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Did you Know? 50 New Shades of Colors were Created only for Akira


There are three layers to a coconut.


centipedes are Ancient