spanish, Spain, united states, Colombia

The World's Largest Exporter of Beer

spanish, Spain, united states, Colombia

Another obscure Mexican truth. The country is well-known for its Corona and Sol beers, which are popular around the world, but did you know there are MANY other types of cool Mexican beer? Pacifico, Indio, Tecate, Victoria, and Bohemia are just a few examples.

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Bihar was the first state to embrace Hindi.

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Adaptogen Ashwagandha

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Did you know? The Dance was only for the wealthy

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Netflix compensates its employees for viewing content from home.

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Cities are forced to dispose the snow off in different ways.

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The world’s rarest cheese is made from donkey milk.

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Did you Know? There is a very strange reason why Captain America isn't eating in a post credit scene of The Avengers.

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The United States government has a formal strategy for a zombie apocalypse.

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Sophie Turner's Direwolf Adopted Her

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Senior citizens like the company of Indian pariah dogs.

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Did you Know? There is no such thing as curry powder.

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Fun Fact! Several studios turned down Star Wars (1977).

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The Dussehra celebrations in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, are another well-known event in India

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Shower before your Gynecologist appointment.

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A busy little plant, the snake plant.

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Anxiety Can Cause Cold Hands And Feet

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The world's shortest train track

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Did you Know? For World War II, Coca-Cola created a special "White Coke."

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The Iconic silver hue of Mercedes-Benz was created by reducing weight for a race.

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It's a fallacy that it's simple to obtain enough vitamin D from food alone.

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persian rugs Environmentally-Friendly