wales, united kingdom, merlin, welsh, flag, origin

The Welsh flag's origins

wales, united kingdom, merlin, welsh, flag, origin

In 1959, the red, white, and green dragon flag was formally recognized. The red dragon is based on an Arthurian legend about the magician Merlin's sighting of a red dragon. It was said to depict a fight between native Britons in red and Saxon invaders in white. The colors green and white depict the Tudor House.

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Their "Wings" Flap as They Move


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The British Museum is older than the USA

Inuit art

With a lengthy history, Inuit art is incredible!

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea can also be beneficial if you are unwell or have a cold.

 Homi J Bhabha, nuclear physics,  Isaac Newton Studentship, cosmic rays, doctorate

Some of the publications produced by Homi J Bhabha are still highly regarded today.

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Did you Know? The first version of a vision aid, known as a "Reading Stone"


Fingernail sweat is impossible.

Hindi alphabets

Even when written upside down or with a mirror image, none of the Hindi alphabets create an illusion.

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persian rugs Environmentally-Friendly


There is no more secure city in the world.

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One Of The World’s Largest Dams Is Located In Egypt

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Did you know.... Snails may sleep for years without eating.


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