pirates, eyepatch, fictional, pirates, national, national geographic, appendages

The most feared pirate of all time was Blackbeard.

pirates, eyepatch, fictional, pirates, national, national geographic, appendages

Blackbeard (AKA Edward Teach) was the most feared pirate in the world. He would weave hemp into his beard and light it on fire before boarding a ship, giving him a demonic appearance. Yikes! That would frighten us as well.

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Anxiety And Depression Are Linked

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Eyes Display the Early Symptoms of Aging

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Surgery is used to treat hernias. And mesh is typically used during surgery, which frequently raises questions from my patients.

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Freshwater Flounder Live How Long?

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Have you ever heard of Palm wine?


Mexicans Are the Most Hardworking People

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Chess is a mandatory subject in Armenian schools over the age of six.


Soccer is the most played sport in Bulgaria.

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

These parasites affect the whole Great Lakes coastline, wreaking havoc on both permanent and seasonal companies, as well as property values and tourism growth.

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Netflix’s Executives Used To Make House Calls.

Bhutan,  Vajrayana Buddhism, Buddhism, religion, Bhutanese, Buddhist

Bhutan only removed its prohibition on television and the Internet in 1999.

bali, amazon, seas, corals, sealife, biodiversity

It is customary to leave food on your plate.

 Homi J Bhabha, nuclear physics,  Isaac Newton Studentship, cosmic rays, doctorate

Some of the publications produced by Homi J Bhabha are still highly regarded today.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan conquered India, right?

Custard apple

Custard apple is a powerful antioxidant


Is home to two of the world's most livable cities.

Homi J Bhabha

Homi J Bhabha redirected India's nuclear development.

Antarctic environment

The Antarctic environment depends on krill as a food supply.

nevermind, nirvana, Sam Goody, Tower Records, Badmotorfinger, Soundgarden, Blood Sugar Sex Magik,  R

A Nevermind outtake became a proper Hole release.

jungle book, jungle book facts, facts about jungle book

Did you Know? The forests of Madhya pradesh were inspiration behind Jungle book

rottweiler, dog

One Rottweiler fought for the rights of veterans with disabilities.

fairyfly, Mymaridae, insects, Chalcid wasp

The size of a fairyfly


Chamomile tea can aid sleep.


$8.8 billion in sales are anticipated for Halloween.