The light is the world's most effective light source. The chemical reaction's energy is nearly entirely released as light.
Pigeons are natural navigators.
Ancient Egyptians would shave off their eyebrows when their cats died
The most costly Oscar winner
Mosquitoes spend the first ten days of their lives in water
Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions
What is the significance of the name Bamboo?
Did you Know? Madagascar is the world’s fourth largest island
The world’s rarest cheese is made from donkey milk.
Genghis Khan conquered India, right?
"The number of wisdom teeth varies by individual."
The reason of death of Homi J Bhabha is still being discussed.
Did you Know? On the western front of World War 1, the Chinese labored.
You should always apply SPF-protected moisturiser
Rio has the world's bluest sky.
Coffee masters at Starbucks wear black aprons.
Did you Know? Abraham Lincoln Was Also a Licensed Bartender
Welsh gold is used to make royal wedding rings.
Interesting fact! Jonathan Hamm Ellie Kemper's Drama Instructor
Did you Know? The Grand Central Terminal has whispering galleries.
The betalain in beetroots might cause your feces to darken.
Harvard is an empire in itself
Sushruta Samhita, the World's Oldest Medical and Surgical Encyclopedia
The most popular taste is pizza.
Since the 13th century, passports have been in use.
Chamomile tea can be applied even to your hair.