nails, nail

The growth rate of toenails is around half that of fingernails.

nails, nail

The growth rate of toenails is around half that of fingernails. They usually expand by 1.6 millimeters each month.

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Prebiotics are better

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A person's sense of smell may be affected by Alzheimer's disease.

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Earthworm's average age is more than 5 years.

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The Carolingian Empire's growth in the ninth century may have paved the way for the Vikings.

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Short stories can be created using dictionary sample sentences.

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The Dutch own more bicycles than any other country in the world

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It is just as vital to clean crystals as it is to wear them.

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South India is home to one of the richest temples in the world

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A town once dedicated to soap production still exists today.

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Nothing beats a traditional Cambodian wedding.


There’s an asteroid named Braille.

San Marino, Saint Marinus, Rimini, Italy

Over the years, it has been exposed to several invasions.

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In Japan you can Shop in the first Kinokuniya location.

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Queen Victoria mourned her husband for 40 years

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Migraine Medication Can Cause Cerebral pains

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Petra was built in the honor of the sun

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Earth has more than 60,000 known tree species

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Did you Know? The Film with the Most Oscar Nominations is...

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Did you Know? Russia has the world's longest railway.


Women are more likely to suffer from sleeplessness.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls has the highest flow rate in the world.


Spiders have unusual muscles.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C's Role in Collagen:

cat, stubbs, mayor, alaska, talkeetna, legislative, elections, tourist

Isaac Newton invented the cat door

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