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the famous petra tresury is actually a graveyard

machu, picchu, machupicchu, pachacuti, inca, yupanqui, empire, roman, llama, petra, treasury, worldf

The World's Most Famous Treasury Is Actually A Graveyard Petra's Treasury, contrary to popular belief, is not a looming maze of booby-trapped rooms designed to separate the righteous from the unworthy, but rather a relatively small area that is most likely a beautifully decorated graveyard. Any buried treasure was most likely removed a long time ago, but the Treasury facade is a work of art, lovingly carved by the Nabataeans centuries ago.

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Spiders have unusual muscles.

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One-third of the Netherlands is under sea level

taste buds

Some of your flavor preferences are inherited.

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The white color of milk is mostly fat

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Australia is home to all three types of mammals.

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Dr. Wayne Coates rediscovered chia in the 1990s.

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Did you Know? Soup is Batman's favourite food.


Microfiber is incredibly environmentally friendly.

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Freshwater Flounder Live How Long?


Meat unexpectedly showered down on a Kentucky location near Rankin in Bath County in 1876.

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Did you Know? Algeria is the home to the famous Djamaa El Djazair mosque

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"Lithium" was a nightmare to record.


The Kids Are Drawn To The Beautiful Forms Kids are frequently drawn to the lovely magical form of kaleidoscopes.

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The original logo of Starbucks was controversial.

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A well-known traditional treatment for all health problems, turmeric milk

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Popsicles were accidentally created by a child.

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The Human Brain has the ability to manage emotions, memories, thinking, respiration, and other functions.

Sachin Tendulkar

Sachin Tendulkar also Assisted as a ball boy

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Do you know the story behind Venetian Blinds?

 Genghis Khan

Do you know the location of Genghis Khan's grave?

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"Mount Sinai And The 10 Commandments "

Inuit folklore

Inuit folklore is enormously rich.


Divorce has a higher financial impact on women than it does on men.