psychology, anger, rage, university, michigan, research, fury, testosterone, negative, positive, equ

Social media has been psychologically engineered to be addictive.

psychology, anger, rage, university, michigan, research, fury, testosterone, negative, positive, equ

You said you'd check your Facebook alerts immediately, but 15 minutes later you're still scrolling? You're not by yourself. Part of this is due to endless scroll: when you can stay on the site without engaging or clicking, your brain does not receive the "stop" message.

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Well! You must rethink of your morning coffee!

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The unreasonable dread of happiness is known as cherophobia.

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Queen Elizabeth II has a stand-in to keep the sun out of her eyes.

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If they are taken off guard, some lizards can detach their tails.


Is it true that an iguana has three eyes?

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The sensation of falling when half asleep and jerking yourself awake is called ‘hypnic jerks’

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Bamboo is where music was born.

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The world’s biggest weaving village “Sualkuchi”

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The apple did not fall on Newton's head.

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Did you Know? The villain of Spider-Man: Far from Home almost played the hero instead.


Hypnosis can aid in the treatment of a variety of ailments.

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Tiger Eye Gemstone Promotes Addiction Recovery


Microfiber cleans smooth surfaces of 99 percent of germs.

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To match the brightness of the sun, around 400,000 moons would be required.

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It was believed that the three "Bells" belonged to the same person.

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Hong Kong's culture is a hybrid of Chinese and Western influences.


Eczema Comes in a Variety of Forms.

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Did you Know? Brazil is Eclectic and Diverse


Malta has been an independent country since 1964.


Why thyme should be used in cooking


Your immune system is supported by vitamin D.


Santa's sleigh is the fastest vehicle in history.

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Perseus Used Medusa’s Head to Neutralize His Enemies

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Did you Know? There was one Silent Oscar Winner

passport,  Bible, traveling, documents, official, airport, identity

If you have a face tattoo or have had facial surgery, you will need a new passport.