snake nose, snakes tongue

Snakes use their tongues to smell.

snake nose, snakes tongue

Have you ever thought about why snakes put out their tongues? They're probably trying to smell their surroundings with their tongue. They have a Jacobson's or vomeronasal organ on the roof of their mouth. The odor then travels from the tongue to an organ in their mouth. Their odor is particularly pleasant and has been characterized as smelling in stereo. They have a long tongue and numerous sensors that can detect varying levels of chemical stimuli.

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Santa has a valid pilot's licence.

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Fennel seeds aid with weight reduction.

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"Netflix Made Special Socks That Pause Your TV Automatically When You Fall Asleep. "

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If they are taken off guard, some lizards can detach their tails.

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If you are a woman, you are most likely underpaid.

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There are 3 million lakes in Alaska.


Silk is naturally antimicrobial and hypoallergenic.

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Did you Know? Before birthday cake candles, candles on the cakes were saved for the goddesses on moon.

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In 2018, Netflix Broke HBO’s 17-Year Emmys Streak.

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Did you Know? The Eiffel Tower is not the most visited monument in Paris

 Genghis Khan

Do you know the location of Genghis Khan's grave?

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Laotians consume more sticky rice than any other country on the planet.


Microfiber is incredibly environmentally friendly.