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Scholars Aren’t Completely Sure What The Incas Used Machu Picchu For

machu, picchu, machupicchu, pachacuti, inca, yupanqui, empire, roman

Because the Incas lacked a writing system, there are no written records of the people who lived there. Most archaeologists assume it was created as a royal estate by Emperor Pachacuti. Some believe it was a refuge for the Inca empire's high-ranking religious leaders and academics.

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The acid in your stomach is strong enough to burn your skin

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Dry skin may become flaky and pale in the heat

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Did you Know? Birthday cakes aren't just for humans.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea can also be beneficial if you are unwell or have a cold.

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Starbucks has secret shops.

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What Are the Three Kinds of Flat Fish?


It performs both endocrine and exocrine functions.

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Authors nearly never create the cover and frequently have no say in the matter.

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Toto Earned More Than the Munchkins on The Wizard of Oz

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Tennis was invented on a Birmingham lawn.


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Victorians uttered "prunes" instead of "cheese" before snapping a photograph.

Girls' School

In Pune, the First Girls' School in India was established.

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Albert Einstein's theories are more important than you may realise.

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It performs endocrine and exocrine functions simultaneously.


It's a Nobel Prize-Winning Machine.

alzheimer's disease.

Emotional memories are not always affected by alzheimer's disease.

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Make Up And Ancient Egyptians


Cleopatra Was Not Egyptian

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A human could swim through a blue whale's veins.

Niagara Falls

The Niagara Falls State Park is America's oldest.