roses, flowers, oldestplants, guniessbooks, world records, genus rosa, familyrosaceae, species, rome

Roses are edible flowers

roses, flowers, oldestplants, guniessbooks, world records, genus rosa, familyrosaceae, species, rome

While most people add roses to their gardens for their beauty, roses have a long history of being used as food and medicine. Roses are classified as "herbs," and as such, they are considered useful plants. Their petals are edible, and rose water (made by soaking the petals in water) is frequently used to flavor jellies and jams, as well as in Indian and Chinese dishes. Keep in mind that if you're going to eat roses, they should be chemical-free. Use roses that have not been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals, and avoid using cut roses from a flower shop or supermarket because they have been grown with a variety of chemicals. It is possible to grow your own roses.

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