ellaslack, rehersal, major, royal, hermajesty, three, decades, throne

Queen Elizabeth II has a stand-in to keep the sun out of her eyes.

ellaslack, rehersal, major, royal, hermajesty, three, decades, throne

Ella Slack is of comparable height and size as the queen, thus she will perform a rehearsal before major events to eliminate royal annoyances such as the sun getting in Her Majesty's eyes. Slack has been doing it for three decades, but she is not permitted to sit on the throne, so she must kneel above it.

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Tiger Eye Gemstone Brings Emotional Intelligence

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The 17th century saw the invention of glass windows.

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Some lobsters are cannibals.

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Maintain an Environmentally Friendly Environment

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"World leaders are often Scorpios."

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Cholesterol and fats are completely different

Northern India

On the first day of Navratri, it is customary in Northern India to sow barley seeds in earthen pots.

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Did you Know? The first feature-length film was produced in 1906.

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Mysterious Scandal Point

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People once ate arsenic to improve their skin

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Fun Fact! Joker was formerly the Iranian ambassador to the United Nations.

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An Octothorpe is a technical term for the hashtag sign.

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Bali is part of the 'Coral Triangle.'

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The first modern novel is Spanish


How much water is present in fog?


You Can Have a Headache Without a Migraine

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Newborn pigeons are uncommon.

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Do you know about the folktale of Botan Dōrō?